~clarke griffin~

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Summary- You confessed your love to her after she was captured and brought to the capital

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Summary- You confessed your love to her after she was captured and brought to the capital

You had been inlove with clarke since you first met her at the peace meeting so when you were told that wanheda had been brought to the capital after her disappearance everything inside you lit up. You always had a hunch that maybe she felt the same way but there was always someone else. She was like no one you had ever met before and there's was nothing you wanted more then for her to want you back. Once Lexa had told you were she was you wasted no time in going to her. You didn't even know what you would do when you saw her just that you needed to do something. Eventually you got to her room and gingerly knocked on her door.

Her voice echoed through the door, "Come in."

Every move you made that brought you closer to her made your stomach twist with anxiety until you were inside her room walking toward her, Avoiding eye contact.

"(Y/n), you look pale. Are you alright?" She put her hand in your forehead for a moment before raising your chin so she could look you in the eyes.

These simple touched made your skin light up like fire. Until you couldn't hold back anymore. 

"Clarke I have to tell you something." She looked puzzled but gave you one of her comforting smiles that both made you relax and the butterflies in your stomach speed up. 

"Alright, what is it?" you took a deep breath, preparing to be rejected.

"I think I'm in love with you. And yes I know you don't love me back, i know you and Bellamy are in love with each other but I couldn't just go on without telling you when I thought you were hiding never to be found or maybe even dead it ate apart of me away. I just... I guess I just needed you to-" her hand crept into your cheek as she leaned in and pressed her lips into yours. Delightfully surprised you grabbed her hips and pulled her closer until she pulled away. You were both breathing hard and red in the face but in the best way.

"I'm not inlove with bellamy, not in the slightest and I'd like to be with you. That is if you'll let me."

The already very big smile on your face grew till it hurt. 

"I would like that very much."

She smiled right back at you and leaned in but was stopped by Titus opening the door. 

"Clarke, Lexa wan-." He stood there for a moment before continuing. 

"she wants you to come to her room. She has something to discuss with you." Nodding clarke let her hands slip from your face down you shoulders to your hands as she walked away. Leaving you alone in her room.

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