~Bellamy Blake~

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Requested: can you do Bellamy with #72, #6 and #2

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Requested: can you do Bellamy with #72, #6 and #2. Please

As the shadows of the fire radiated across everyone's face they tried to figure out what to do for a while till a game of truth or dare started up around us.

"Alright, jasper. Truth or dare?" Octavia asked, smiling wildly at the boy in front of her.

"Truth." He mumbled, nervously breaking eye contact with her.

"who was your first kiss?" A chorus of oos erupted around us as we chuckled.

"A girl from mecha station, Bellamy. Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to...run around like a chicken!" He yelled, pointing wildly at him.

Shaking his head and chuckling he started to run around the group, clucking like mother hen.

"Alright, alright. Uh Murphy, truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm no pussy." He dryly chuckled.

"Oooo okay how's about...I dare you to kiss (y/n)."

"Ha child's play." He started to lean over when you pushed him away groaning at the idea.

"Ugh, I'm not wasting my first kiss on a tool like John murphy." You groaned, wrapping your jacket tighter around yourself.

"Wait, are you serious?! You've never kissed anyone before?" Jasper called, sitting up as he did.

"Well fine then, but you've gotta take a good chug of moon shine for your crimes." Bellamy chuckled, tossing the bottle over to you. Uncorking it you shifted back at the sour smell that hit your nose before taking a big gulp and wincing at the hard stinging as it rolled down your throat.

"God, now I feel like shit." You mumbled, sticking your tongue out at the taste.

"Well you sure look it." Bellamy mumbled under his breath making everyone laugh. A warm red blush spread across your face.

"Truth or dare (y/n)." Murphy asked, picking at the ground under himself.

"Dare I guess." You mumbled, propping yourself up on your elbow.

"I dare you to sit on my lap."

You knew why he was doing it ,cause he thought you wouldn't so you nodded, putting your nerves to the side and gently setting yourself in between Murphys legs. Leaning back on him.

"Ooo look at you, getting a back bone."

"Shove off Bellamy. Now, monty truth or dare." You sighed, letting yourself sink deeper into Murphys warmth after a while of stiffness.

"Uh truth." He shifted to sit up straighter as he spoke.

"Have you ever kissed Harper?"

The group oood and awed as monty blushed shaking his head vigorously as he blushed.

Murphys hands slid tentatively up your thighs while he kissed the back of your neck. The warm booze now taking over your body, making you sink deeper into his touch until a hand roughly ripped you from his grasp, dragging you away from the group.

you tripped over your feet until Bellamy pinned you roughly against the drop ship.

"You know if you're trying to make me jealous? Its working." He groaned. Staring intently at you.

"What are you talking about, crazy?" You groaned pushing him off you.

"Being all touchy with Murphy? What was that about?" He asked, somehow out of breath.

"Why do you care? I thought you didn't like me?" You mumbled, switching your gaze to your boots as you leaned back on the drop ship. Your tone softening at the subject.

For a moment he was silent, staring at you. Racking his brain for ways to explain how he felt for you. How long he had wanted to hold you the way Murphy was, to feel you the way he had. It drove him mad just trying to find a way to figure it out. You started to just walk away, now mostly sobered up when he caught your arm and pulled you back.

"I dont...hate you or anything like that." He mumbled, staring into your eyes.

"Then why've you been being such a dick to me?"

"The ground takes things you love away from you. I thought maybe...maybe if I pretended I didn't like you that the ground would let me keep you around till I knew I could protect you." He rushed out, blushing madly at the confession.

Both of you stared at the other other for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. Without warning you looped your arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. Slowly his hands found their way on your waist before deepening it.

"Come with me." He groaned, pulling you in the direction of his tent.

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