~Bellamy Blake~

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PT 2

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PT 2

You and Bellamy had been talking about going to the dance together but last minute he was told he had gaurd duty. After hearing that you'd decided it wasn't even worth it to go. Lounging around in your room you finished off the new book you'd gotten from the library. As people began to head past your room and down the hall for the party a knock came from behind the door which you ignored, figuring is just a ding dong ditch.

It came again, more urgent this time so you stood and lazily pulled the heavy door open. There stood Bellamy and a teenage girl with a mask on.

"Oh hey bell I thought you had gaurd duty?"

" I do but I wanted you to escort you to the dance as well as introduce you to someone."

He gestured towards the girl and you understood and pulled them both into your room.

"So you're (y/n)?" She said smiling at you.

"Its wonderful to meet you Octavia but I really wasn't planning on going without you Bell."

He smiled down at you, brushing some hair out of your eyes.

"Well I switched posts with Johnson so I could watch over the two of you at the dance."

You let a small smile spread across your face before turning and grabbing the mask you'd made and taking his hand. He pulled both of you out of the room and into the crowd of teens in the hall.

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