~John Murphy~

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In the sky box you and Murphy had become aqauntences

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In the sky box you and Murphy had become aqauntences. You both knew the others name and talked when the occasion arrived but not much more. Though when Bellamy noticed Murphy had been missing for half the day he sent you out to find him. Begrudgingly you left the safety of the group to go out and find the delinquent.

"Murphy...murphy!?" You called, aimlessly walking through the lush green forest that laid out for miles past what we could see.

That's when you saw it. a limp body, laid out on the ground with their back towards you.

"MURPHY?!" You shrieked rushing towards him and shaking his body. His eyes shot open and a sharp peice of metal was pressed against your neck.

Sighing you stayed frozen, staring down at him until he moved his knife away from your throat. You let out a heavy breath before letting your head hang.

"God whats wrong with you?!" He said, shoving you away from him.

"I...I thought maybe the grounders killed you...or something." You croaked out, sitting back against a tree.

"No I was just napping, crazy. Why do you care anyways?" He groaned, sitting up to scratch the back of his neck.

"Never said I cared, maybe I just want to be the one to kill you, ever thought of that?" You mumbled, staring up through the curtain of branches above you.

"Oh sure, just came looking for me and freaked out when you thought I was dead?" He mused, scooting closer as he did.

"Oh shut up Murphy." You groaned before punching him in the arm.

Quickly he grabbed your collar, flipping you on your back and leaning over you. You tried to yelp but, he covered your mouth with his hand. He let out a quite, breathy laugh before slowly leaning closer and closer and slipping his hand off your mouth and up by your head.

"You can call me john...if you want."

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