~lexa kom trikru~

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Summary-The first time you and Lexa meet

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Summary-The first time you and Lexa meet

After clarke burnt finns body we were guided to a room full of food and drinks. I was starving but the tension was enough for me to suppress it. We all stood quietly for a moment until kane started to speak, unwrapping a bottle he had in one of his deep pockets.

"Please except this gift, Commander. We drink this at special occasions, I believe this qualifies."

He carefully offered it to the commander almost like he was afraid she would cut his hands off if he did it wrong. She glanced at him then the bottle then nodded to a large man next to her.

He looked like one of those crackhead men from the movies just bigger, and dirtier.

"Thank you, Markus of the ski people." Marcus nodded in an almost relieved kind of way, shifting foot to foot. " You're welcome, Lexa." He paused for a second then added "kom trikru."

The commander let a shocked expression flash across her face for a moment before hiding it away. Markus smirked for a moment " just dont drink to much of it." She nodded Stoically before turning her attention to me and clarke. She stared for a moment at clarke but quickly turned to me

" (y/n), let us drink together." I was shocked that she would want to drink with me out of all the people in front of her.

Over Markus, Bellamy, raven, Clarke or her mom. I gave her a confused look before being gently pushed forward by someones hand on my back.

"It would be an honor, commander." I said with a nod as I looked behind me with a glance. A boy came from behind the big mans shadow and handed him two cups.

She poured the alcohol into the cups then passed one of glasses to me. I reluctantly reached for it, never once breaking a suspense filled eye contact with her. A deep gravely voice broke my concentration "allow me."

He took the cup from Lexa then gently sipped from it. I didn't think he could do that, I thought maybe he'd finish the whole cup in one gulp and let out a mumble of some sorts but instead he sipped it in a gentle way i didn't think he could. Everyone stared at him in a breathe holding suspense until he handed it back to his leader, never once breaking eye contact with kane.

"Tonight we celebrate our newfound peace. Tomorrow we plan our war. To those we've lost and to those we shall soon find."

I raised my cup to her until the gruff man collapsed onto the table in a fit of coughs and choking. We all stopped in our tracks. all of stood in disbelief as he groaned and choked until someone called out just two words, "Its poison". For only a moment I stared into my cup until Bellamy slapped it out of my hand. Indra unsheathed her sword "it was the ski people!" she shouted pointing the sword in my direction.

I was hurded into the middle of the room, back to back with everyone else on our side of the table while we were surrounded. Clarke started to try to reason but it was to late, the grounder started to talk in a different language I didn't even try to understand as I looked over to kane.

Indra said something and the grounder decended upon us. Bellamy tried to stop them but was no match against the huge men yanking him away. I was yanked away and slammed against a wall with a yelp. I could hear raven start to yell for them to leave me alone but my head was throbbed. Nothing I did to stop them from searching me helped until the commanders voice rang through the room in that weird language they all spoke. The man stopped pinning me to the wall and backed away as I slid down the wall holding my head.

Clarke ran over to me and held my head up. She kept talking, and talking, trying to get me to look or listen to her but all I saw through my blurred vision was the commander. She stood in the center of the room with lights cast onto her in a way that made her seem God like. Clarke kept shaking me and pulling my face to look at her but even when I wasn't looking at the commander I only thought about her until everything slowly went black and I collapsed.


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