12. Don't You Forget About Me

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Two teens were in a truck, on a date. The boy took a drink from a flask and handed it to the girl, who also took a drink.

"It's like tumbleweeds out there. Where is everybody?" the boy wondered.

"Maybe they moved on to their winter humping grounds?" the girl guessed. "It's freezing."

"You wanna get out of here?"

"No. We finally got the place to ourselves." The girl kissed the boy on the neck.

"You don't like it when the uh - car next to you's bumping up and down and you hear groaning?"

"Nobody can hear us. Can they?"

"Not tonight."

They kissed, and started making out. There was rustling in the bushes next to the truck, and all of a sudden, the door of the truck opened and the boy was dragged out of it. The girl screamed. The boy was thrown to the ground, and a sword was held to his throat by Claire.

The girl yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"

"He knows. Don't you?" Claire asked.

"I swear. I don't know anything. Please," the boy begged.

"What are you?"

The boy looked terrified as he shook his head.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" Claire yelled.

The boy didn't answer, just continued to struggle, scared. Claire looked back and forth between the boy and the girl but didn't withdraw the sword.


Sam was sitting at the table. Dean entered. Aiden followed, holding Maren's hands as she walked. She could almost walk alone, but still needed help.

"Did you catch us a case?" Dean asked.

"Uh, no. Get this. Some dude took a picture of a weasel riding a flying woodpecker. Midair. It's kinda nuts," Sam replied.

"So, I'm guessing there's nothing on the Amara meter either," Sylvie said as she walked up.

Sam glanced at her. "Uh, no. I'm starting to think that God's psycho sister has gone to ground. What about you, you hear from Cas?"

"No. He said he was working on something to draw her out, but... it's been radio silence since he was here," Dean replied.

"Yeah. All this quiet's starting to wake me up."

Dean pulled out his takeout food from a bag and placed it on the table, looking excited.

"What the hell is that?" Sam asked.

"That? That's the Elvis," Dean said.



Sam reached out to touch it. "Is that a- ?"

"That's a glazed donut."


"Two, actually. One topside, one on the bottom. Now, your inferior versions, they'll just take one donut, split it right down the middle. Mmm mm." Dean clicked his tongue. "Boom!" He blew a kiss.

Sam looked slightly amused. "All right, well uh, I hope you enjoy it." He slid it away from him. "Wow."

Dean looked offended. "You know there are starving children out there."

"Dude, I'm not gonna survive hundreds of monster attacks to get flatlined by some double donut monstrosity."

"The Elvis!" Dean cried.

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