34. Regarding Dean

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There was a wounded man running through the forest as fast as he could. He was bleeding from a wound on his side. He stopped to make a call. "You have to. No! Listen to me... Get out of there."

Dean was running after the man. He saw the man stopped by a tree and fired a shot at him.

"Just go! Now!" the man yelled, running off again and leaving behind a smear of blood on the tree.

Dean appeared again, looking for the man. He saw where his bullet hit and the smear of blood. He heard a rustling sound and headed towards it, gun drawn. He came upon the man on one knee facing another tree.

"You people. You never learn, do you? Always trying to run," Dean said.

The man turned around, and he had carved something into the tree, which was beginning to glow with a purple light. "Dearmad!"

There was a flash of purple and Dean was knocked to the ground, unconscious.

Dean was laying on the ground. There was a rabbit sitting between him. Dean woke up suddenly, looking hung over.

"Ohh..." Dean groaned, started to sit up a bit, and brushed leaves out of his face. "Ugh."

He looked down and saw the rabbit as he greeted, "Hey, buddy." He moved the rabbit behind him and stood. "Mm. Ah. Wow."

He looked around, unsure of where he was. He pulled out his phone to make a call and saw the screen was badly cracked and his phone no longer worked. "Oh, come on."

Dean turned around and saw a walking path not far from where he was standing. There were several people walking/jogging along it.

A woman with a stroller said, "And I was like, "Andy, the dog's vegan.""

"Hey. Hey," Dean called.

""How could you give him–""

"Excuse me. Do you mind if I–"

The woman gasped and recoiled from Dean. She reached into her purse hanging off the stroller and handed Dean some money.


"Just don't buy a drink."

The woman's baby made some noises as she started walking away. "I-I know, Stacey."

"Huh," Dean noted as he looked around again and saw a man jogging towards him with a dog. He walked up to him to talk. "Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Excuse me."

The man stopped jogging.

"Look, uh, uh, I'm not – not a bum, okay?"

The man removed his earbuds to hear Dean. Dean looked at the cord from the headphones going into the man's pocket. "Just somebody who really needs to use a phone. Do you mind?"

The man hesitated, then unplugged his headphones and handed Dean his phone. "Great. Thank you."

Dean walked a short amount away from the man to make his phone call. "Okay."

Dean dialed a number and the phone started ringing. Sam's phone lit up with a phone call. Sam picked up and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Sam asked.


Sam was relieved to hear from Dean, and concerned. "Dude, where the hell have you been? Alana's worried sick."

Dean looked around the park confusedly, and at the man jogging in place. "I'm not really sure about that."

"You — Well, where are you now?" Alana asked.

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