84. Peace of Mind

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A man arrived at the door.

"Sunny? Sunny?" Conrad called.

Sunny opened the door. "Conrad? What are you -- You have to go!" Sunny cried.

"I don't want to leave without you."

"I can't. I made a promise. Conrad, go! Please."

"I love you." Conrad kissed her and ran off.


"I need a phone!" Conrad cried, running inside.

"Whoa. Slow down," the clerk said as Conrad grabbed his cell phone. "Hey! That's my phone! Hey!"

"I'm gonna call 911." Conrad staggered into another room, clutching his head in pain.

After a moment, Conrad's head swelled and exploded.

"Dude? Do you need help?" the clerk asked, seeing the sight of Conrad dead on the floor, then vomited.


"Hey, Jack," Castiel greeted, walking into Jack's room.

"I'm good, Castiel," Jack replied, holding the snake.

"Jack, you say that, but ever since the hunters and their funerals -- How's the snake?"

"I don't think he's feeling well. He won't eat."

"Well, perhaps he misses his previous owner. He's been through a lot of change in a short period of time. I guess that's something you have in common. Jack, you killed Michael. You consumed his grace. It was enough. You have your powers back?"

"I think so. I feel different now, not like before, if that makes any sense." Jack demonstrated levitating a pencil.

"And your soul?"

"You want to know how much of my soul I had to burn off to kill Michael."


"I don't know. I try not to think about it."

Castiel walked out of the room and made his way to the kitchen and said, "Oh. Thought you, uh, were gonna sleep until the cows dragged you home."

"That's not the -- Never mind. I was putting some gear away, and Rowena called," Dean replied before eating.

"How is she?"

"Not great. She's coping. But, uh, you know, at least she's not dead. How's the kid?"

"Well, he says he's good, but what about Sam? He says he's good. Or the girls? They say they're good."

"I think they're all full of crap."

Sam and Alana were in the map room flashing back to Maggie and the other hunters dying. They looked sad as they went to the kitchen.

"Alana and I found us a case. Arkansas," Sam informed.

"We've just done three back-to-back hunts," Dean told him. "I need some rest. At least a night. We all do."

"Yeah, well, I'm leaving in ten. Alana might come."

"Like I said, not good."

"Maybe I should go with them. And you, the kids and Sylvie can stay with Jack," Castiel suggested.


"You were right. Jack is struggling. And I've tried, but-"

"Why do you think he'll talk to me?" Dean questioned.

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