78. The Spear

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[Recap of kid ages: This episode takes place from December 23-24, 2018.

Aiden (10), Adah/Gideon (8), Brianna (6), Maren (4), Spencer (2), Claudia (2), Shawn (1)]


Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree played. Glass shattered, a woman screamed, and there was a bloody handprint and bloody carpet. Bones crunched and there was a thud.

"Oh, my God, no!" a partygoer cried. "Please, no!" The partygoer ran down bloody hallway to elevator, panicking and pushing the button.

Brett, the vampire in a Santa hat, stepped off elevator and started to choke the partygoer.

Both looked up to see mistletoe and bones cracked. Brett threw the partygoer and Santa hat down the garbage chute.


Enhanced vampire Brett entered the office.

"That was the last of 'em. Didn't feed, either. Like you said, about tomorrow? Keeping my "appetite up." Brett was talking to a woman who was looking out large windows with her back to him. "Michael? Why here? This building, this floor, cleaning it out," she turned to face him, "and killing everyone?"

"I like the view," Alternate Michael replied as his eyes flared angel blue. Brett gave an awkward nod of understanding. Several people entered the office. "Melanie. These are the latest volunteers?"

"Yes, sir -- the last ones. Two wolves."

They were two men; a young man, early 20's, and Garth.

Alternate Michael stopped in front of Garth. "This one's a bit scrawny and a bit familiar. I recognize you, Garth."

Garth looked confused. "We've met? 'Cause I think I'd remember that."

"Oh, I've spent some time in Dean Winchester's head -- his, um, memories. You were his friend."

"Still am."

"Makes one of us."

"But I've got a family now. And there's a war coming -- your war. And whether I like it or not, for my family -- for my little girl -- I gotta be on the winning side."

Alternate Michael turned and walked back to address Melanie. "And we're prepared otherwise?"

"We are. Tomorrow night, Kansas City won't know what hit it," Melanie replied.

Michael and Melanie shared a knowingly evil smile and Garth looked on with suspicion and determination.


There was crunching and a spoon clattered lightly. Jack was sitting alone eating a bowl of Cookie Crunch cereal. Jack added more cereal to his bowl. A light switch clicked and Castiel stood in the doorway.

"Don't tell Sam," Jack said.

"Jack, it's the middle of the night," Castiel told him as he joined Jack at the table.

"Ah, I know. I couldn't wait till breakfast. Sam says this stuff will rot your teeth, but - I like it."

"Jack. If you can't sleep, that's understandable, given recent events."

"You mean dying and coming back to life."

"Yeah, we've all been through it. It's something of a rite of passage around here."

"That's not -- I've been thinking about Heaven. My mother. You think she's safe?"

"Yeah, of course."

"But how could the Empty get in? And I thought Heaven was supposed to be perfect."

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