59. Devil's Bargain

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Castiel stumbled through a forest at night, flashing back to Lucifer beating him up and passed out. The next morning, two boys discovered the angel.

"Told ya I found a body," boy one said. "See."

"Dead," boy two noted, poking Castiel with a stick.

Castiel woke and the two boys ran off screaming. Castiel went back to the building the two of them and Lucifer had escaped from.

"LUCIFER!!" Castiel cried. "Where are you?!"



A woman skated clumsily on the sidewalk. A man walked out of a bakery carrying a wedding cake. She crashed into him and the cake went flying, but he caught the girl before she could fall.

"I think I just fell for you," the girl said.

"I'd catch you anytime you fell," the man told her.

They continued talking and a man smiled.

"Another happy beginning," Lucifer commented. "Right? Cupid." He slammed Cupid against a fence, cut his throat and took his grace. "Oh... that's very good. But I need seconds, where can I find more angels?"

"I... I," the cupid stammered as Lucifer grabbed him in the face and grabbed him by the coat.

"Where do I find more angels?"

"I don't know. There, there aren't many of us left."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not. Please leave."

"Oh... okay, okay. Poor cupid. Fine. You know, without your grace, you're only human, so you should be careful. Accidents can happen." He shoved a fist through the cupid's chest. "Like that. Sorry."


Dean, Sam, Sylvie and the younger kids were sitting at a table.

Aiden was holding Spencer's hand as his youngest brother walked around. He'd started a few days ago, and by Aiden's best guess, Spencer would be walking alone soon.

Dean frowned. "Let me get this straight - you were kidnapped, weeks ago, locked up. Cas, Sylvie and I just talked to you on the phone."

"No," Castiel replied. "No. Asmodeus had my phone. You've both been talking to him."

"What did he want with you?" Sam wondered.

"Well, he must have wanted Lucifer. I just, I just happened to be in proximity."

"Lucifer? No no."

"No no we slammed his ass back to Apocalypse World how did-" Dean was cut off.

"Kevin Tran," Castiel answered.

"Kevin Tran," Dean and Sylvie repeated.

"Apocalypse World version, yes. We managed to open a rift using Lucifer's grace."

Sylvie frowned. "They have an angel tablet?"

"Yes. And the archangel, Michael, again the Apocalypse World version, wants to use the spell to invade and conquer our world. That's why I met with Lucifer."

Dean looked at the angel. "So... You met... Cas, I specifically told you not to do anything stupid."

"Well, he was weak and given the context of our imminent annihilation it didn't seem stupid. Lucifer wants to help fight Michael."

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