38. Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

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A couple was camping.

"Oh, my God," Marcus said.

"Babe, we're gonna need more wood," Gwen told him.

Marcus chuckled. "Okay, but first check out this video. This bear goes crazy on these guys and he j-"

"Um, no. That's not why we come out here. We come out here to commune with nature, not watch people get eaten by it."

"Okay, first of all..." Gwen sighed, "...he -- he doesn't eat them. He chases them up a tree, and they cry. A lot." A man sobbed on the video Gwen and Marcus watched on his phone and Gwen laughed.

The man in the video asked, "What do they want?" He continued sobbing.

"It's hilarious," Marcus said.

"Oh my God, please."

Marcus shut the phone off and put it in his pocket. "And second of all, "commune with nature"? I thought you brought me out here to get naked and do weird stuff."

"Yeah, it's not gonna get that weird," Gwen replied.

They laughed. Gwen sighed contentedly and rested her head on Marcus' shoulder while they sit by the campfire.

"I'll miss this," Gwen said.

"I'll miss you," Marcus told her. "And I get it. I mean Washington has the best veterinary program in the country. You got in. I mean, you have to go. But people make this long distance thing work all the time, right?"

"Right, sure," Gwen answered hesitatingly.

"I'm gonna get more firewood."


Marcus walked slowly through the woods talking to himself. "Will you marry me? Will you marry me? Just man up. She'll say yes."


Gwen found the engagement ring and looked concerned.


Marcus collected wood and heard a branch snap, followed by growling noises that got louder and louder, then became snarls and barks, be couldn't see what was making the sounds until he was attacked.


Marcus ran back and yelled, "Gwen! Run!"

"Marcus?" Gwen called as he fell to the ground and Gwen watched as he was torn apart by an invisible monster. "Oh my God!"

Gwen screamed and watched as something she couldn't see left monstrous footprints in the mud as it stalked towards her. She fell against the tent and reached for something to defend herself -- an iron hatchet -- and hit the invisible monster with it before making a run for it. The monster whimpered and snarled as she escaped.


Sam and Dean entered after a hunt.

Sam groaned.

"Hoo-hoo!" Dean exclaimed. "Back to back to back. That was one for the books."

"Yeah," Sam agreed.

"Man." He held up a bloodied barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat. "Dad would love this thing." He dropped the bat to the table.

"Dude, on the -- on the-" Sam began as Dean, covered in blood and gore, sat and sighed heavily. "No, don't, don't, don't, don't! Don't s-"


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