79. Nihilism

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Music was playing. There was a large moose head on the wall and a man was passed out at the bar. Pamela Barnes came through the door with a bag in her hand.

"That weather," Pamela said. "Not even playing around. Everybody's shopping at the store like it's the End Days. The milk and bread aisles were a war zone. But I battled through it all for your stupid bag of limes." Pamela dropped the limes on the bar. Dean, who was behind the bar, picked them up.

"Hey, I'm not makin' the house special without the limes. What are we -- savages?" Dean replied.

Pamela laughed. "Well..."

Dean cut limes and handed a shot to Pamela. "Tequila shot and a beer. Best damn house special ever."

"No complaints here. Whoo! Mmm. Is there any word from Sam, Sylvie and Alana? How are the kids?"

"Still working that ghoul thing in Wichita with Cas. They should be back tonight. The kids are good."

The door opened, and a woman walked in, holding a briefcase over her head to block the rain. Pamela turned from her spot at the bar and walked towards her. "Wet one out there, eh?"

"Yes. And you are...?" the woman asked.

"Pamela Barnes. Waitress, hostess, Ouija board enthusiast."

"We met the last time you stopped by- "

"Oh! Mr. Winchester."

"And the time before that."

The woman opened her briefcase on the bar. "I brought the papers I mentioned. I know you said you weren't interested, but it's just a few signatures and you could-"

"Can I get you a drink?" Dean asked.

"I'm in a bit of a rush."

"Well, sorry you wasted your trip out here, but, um... Rocky's still isn't for sale."

The woman looked around the bar. "Rocky's looks pretty dead. It's a very generous offer."

"Well, all the same, this bar? I've never had anything this nice. So that sale that you want so bad, well, it's just not gonna happen."

The woman packed up her papers and briefcase and headed towards the door.

"Need to borrow an umbrella?" Pamela asked.

Dean was at a desk in the back of the bar doing paperwork. Pamela walked over with two shots and gave one to Dean.

"Mm-hmm," Pamela hummed.

"You just gonna leave the drunk guy out there with all the booze?" Dean asked.

"What, you mean that unconscious drunk guy? Yeah, I am. Do a shot with me. I'm heading out for a hot date."

"How come you always have a boyfriend?"

"How come you only want what you can't have? You're married."


"Besides, you don't want me. You just like to flirt. I'm a psychic, so I kinda know."

"All right."

"So, still not ready to sell the bar, huh? It's a lot of money."

"Sell? This bar? This is my dream."


Dean walked into a refrigerated room and grabbed a case of beer.

"Dean? You wanna come out here?" Pamela called.

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