100. The Gamblers

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"Not everything we did was because of Chuck. It was us the blood, the sweat, the tears. That's us. There's no way that Chuck lets us die like this," Dean said.

"Hi, Sam. Hi, Sylvie," Chuck greeted.

"You're weak," Sam retorted.

"We're connected by these wounds. But all good things must come to an end."

The Grigori hissed. "You cannot change my mind."

"God lied to me. I will help you. To bind the spell together, the nectar from a Leviathan blossom that only grows in one place. Purgatory," Michael said.

"Sam, smash it," Dean demanded. "Now!"

Chuck groaned and Sam said, "I can't. I'm sorry. I-"

"Sammy lost hope, and now I'm free," Chuck explained.

"Grigori. They were some of the first angels on Earth," Castiel said.

"And they've been hunting humans, feeding off them," Sam added.

"It's time," Billie told Jack.

"Being normal-" Sam began.

Dean cut him off. "Is fine. But you three and me? There's zero about our lives that's normal. If we don't fix this, we might kill each other by accident."

Sam sniffled. "So, uh Alaska?"

"Alaska," Dean and Alana agreed.


Leonard sighed. "Come on, Joey. Give me a chance."

Joey scoffed. "Bank side."

"What? No."

A coin shimmered and Leonard repeated, "No, no. No." A cue chalk rubbed and Leonard gasped. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" He breathed heavily and lunged at his opponent.

"Hey! No fights," another man said as Leonard grunted.

The man kissed the lucky coin.

"Aah! Hey! Hey! Hey!" Leonard cried.

"Hey! Stop! Come on!" another man cried.

"You know the rules," the man told him.

"Just -- Just one more game, please. You know I'm good for it. Aah!" He was forced from the bar.

"Sorry, pal. You're out of luck."

Leonard sighed. "Come on! Come on!" He panted.

Leonard left the bar and walked out to the parking lot. "G-Great, Leonard."

He dropped the blank coin. "Great."

A truck horn blared and the truck hit Leonard.


The door creaked and Castiel called out, "Sam? Dean? Alana? Sylvie? Children?" He noticed a note from Sam telling him where they'd gone. "Alaska."


Sam's phone constantly chimed and Dean said, "Silent mode's always an option."

"Yeah. Right. Sorry," Sam replied.

"And how's Eileen doing?"

"She's hanging in there. She thinks our plan sounds a little too good to be true."

"You know, maybe she's right. I mean, how long have we been on the road looking for some place Garth says will supercharge our luck, maybe? And I mean, luck? Is that really even gonna fix our whole "problem"?"

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