94. Proverbs 17:3

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A group of young girls sat around in a tent, drinking. Julie poured out a drink into Ashley and the other friend's cup.

"Okay, okay, okay, okay. Spiced rum with cinnamon. I infused it myself," Julie said.

"Bet she learnt that from a podcast," the friend teased.

"Yes. Yes, I did. And you're welcome."

"To our annual camping trip."

"To eleven years of not dying from exposure."

"To our last camping trip," Ashley said.

"Oh God, Ashley. Way to be a downer."

"We just graduated from college. Can't we just celebrate that?" the friend asked.

"Yeah, but you two got jobs. You're both leaving. I... have a philosophy degree. And I drive Uber."

"Well, you did that to yourself."

Ashley glared at Julie. The other friend looked at Julie before looking at Ashley. "She means you picked a harder road. You'll find something."

"Just drink the rum. It'll help," Julie suggested.

Ashley took a sip and coughed before laughing.


They heard a noise from outside the tent.

"What was that?" Ashley wondered.

The other girls laughed at her.

"Look at your face. It's probably just a deer or something. A deer is not going to kill you," the friend said.

"That sounded a lot bigger than a deer."

"Maybe it's a really big deer."


"You're nuts. There's nothing out there. Oh my God, I'll prove it to you, okay?"

Julie got up and walked to the opening of the tent. "I'm getting more rum." She opened the zipper of the tent and looked at Ashley before she left.

"Okay. Don't really think we need more rum," the friend said.

They heard Julie scream.

"Julie?" the friend called.

They heard grunting noises from outside.

"Julie? Are you okay?"

The other friend motioned for Ashley to close the tent. Ashley shook her head. The friend got up and slowly walked to the opening of the tent. She tried to close the zipper, but she got grabbed and dragged outside. Ashley screamed.


Sam walked into the war room. He put his shotgun in his duffle bag and looked down at his phone. He had sent several messages to Castiel, with no reply. Dean opened the door to the bunker and walked in. Sam looked up at the stairs.

"Supply run is done," Dean commented, walking down the stairs.

Sylvie chased Claudia and Shawn through the map room and her son and daughter ducked under the table and the former cried, "Can't weats us, Mommy!"

Adah and Gideon held their mother's hands as they led her in, followed by the other kids.

They walked down the stairs and Dean asked, "Hey. You know they make Ghost Pepper Jerky?"

Dean showed Sam and Sylvie the packet.

"Uh, you're not gonna like it," Sam said.

"What're you talking about? I like all jerkies."

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