27. American Nightmare

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A church bell tolled as parishioners prayed. As the priest approached the altar, a woman entered. She was crying and showed signs of the stigma. The sound of a whip crack was heard and the woman screamed. The back of her back showed signs of being whipped. As she walked, she left a trail of blood.

"Olivia?" Father Valdecantos called.

Gasping, Olivia Sanchez continued walking down the church aisle as she said, "Prok yaw-thi a-law-haw!"

Olivia stopped in front of the priest. The whip cracked again and Olivia cried out as she dropped to her knees. "Prok yaw-thi..."

Father Valdecantos looked on as Olivia continued to sob. Blood began to slowly flow from her right ear.

"Prok yaw-thi a-law-haw!"

Father Valdecantos rushed forward as Olivia collapsed.


The church bell tolled as two priests and a girl in a black dress walked down the aisle.

"Father Valdecantos?" Sam called.

Father Valdecantos stood at the altar.

Sam continued. "I'm Father Penn of the Dubuque Archdiocese. This is–"

"Father DeNiro. Pardon the girls. The nuns wanted us to take them for this particular case."

"We're here to talk about Olivia Sanchez."

Father Valdecantos looked at the brothers and girls a moment before speaking. "I'm not talking about that anymore." He turned to walk away.

Dean said, "You sure were chatty with the press and the cops. "Priest Claims Demons Walk Among Us." Boy, that's quite the headline grabber."

Father Valdecantos stopped and turned back. "I said I'm not talking about–"

"No, we heard you. Don't care."

"You'll think I'm lying, like my bishop, like everyone. But I knew Olivia. She was a good person. I watched her get flayed alive by some invisible force. That was the devil's work. I've been told the church doesn't want us talking like that anymore – too old fashioned. But I know what I saw."

"You see any black smoke?" Adah asked, holding Brianna's hand.


"We don't think you're lying," Sam told him. "We just wanna ask you a few questions, that's all.

"Um... no. No smoke."

"What about sulfur? Did you smell, uh, rotten eggs?"


"You told people that she was speaking in tongues?"

"Yes. It sounded like Hebrew. Prok yaw-thi a-law-haw."

"Sounds more like Aramaic than Hebrew."

"Hmm," Dean hummed.

"What kind of priests are you?" Father Valdecantos questioned.

"The old-fashioned kind." He turned and walked away.

"Thanks," Sam said.

The brothers and the girls continued walking down the church aisle.

"So no sulfur means no demon," Dean noted. "You think the padre's right? We talking about Lucifer here?"

"Little small-time for him. I don't know. Maybe a rogue angel?"

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