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Aiden sighed as he walked onto campus, shouldering his backpack.

As he looked around, he bumped into someone and heard a high-pitched cry.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you. Are you okay?" Aiden asked.

The girl nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." She picked up a cellphone. "Seems my phone is too. I should've been looking where I was going." She noticed his books. "Hoping to be a lawyer, huh?"

Aiden smiled. "Yeah. My uncle went here years ago and almost got a pre-law degree."

"Your uncle? Wait a minute. Is your uncle Sam... Winchester I think it is? I mean, his girlfriend died in a mysterious fire years ago. It's practically dark history!"

His smile turned awkward. "Yeah, that's me. Aiden."

"Nice to meet you, Aiden. I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward. I kind of have a habit of that. I'm Kasey Donaldson."

"Nice to meet you, Kasey. What's your major if I might ask?"

"I'm hoping to go into nursing. Assuming I pass the exams."

"Well, if we still are crossing paths, maybe I could help you study."

"I'll hold you to that, Aiden. Can I give you my number?"

"Sure." He pulled out his phone.

Kasey noticed his lock screen. "Nice looking guy. Who is that?"

"My dad. He died a few months ago."

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm getting by."

"If you ever want to talk, don't hesitate to ask."

"I appreciate that. Uh, you can put your number in and I'll text you."

Kasey nodded and put her number in, then handed the phone back to Aiden.

Aiden sent her a message. 'This is Aiden Winchester :)'

Kasey's phone chimed and she smirked lightly "I'm sorry, Aiden, but you're being saved as my favorite root beer."

Aiden laughed. "I mean, it works. I have to be getting to class, but I'll see you later. It was really nice to meet you, Kasey."

"You as well, Aiden. Don't be a stranger."

"I don't intend to be."

Aiden waved and walked away.


Several years later, Aiden kept true to his word and helped Kasey study for her nursing exam.

When she passed, he took her out for dinner and proposed. Though, they agreed to wait for marriage until both had graduated from Stanford.


Aiden eventually became a lawyer like his uncle would have been, and Kasey became a pediatric nurse.

Their wedding was small, as both didn't want a lot of people there, even though Aiden's side was larger than Kasey's.


Seven years after they said their vows, they finally had a little girl they named Mirabelle, though they called her Belle. After so much trouble, she was their little miracle.

Unfortunately, Kasey began bleeding out and as a result to save her, she wouldn't be able to biologically have any more kids.

Their daughter was well loved and grew up to become a doctor, making both her parents proud.


Kasey, in her old age, was diagnosed with lung cancer, despite having never smoked.

She fought for several years, as hard as she could, but eventually succumbed.

And a mere few months later, Aiden joined her.


In Heaven, after reconnecting with his family, he searched for Kasey and soon found her, as young as she had been the day they'd bumped into each other.

The two hugged each other and Kasey said, "You're here."

Aiden smiled. "Hope you haven't been waiting too long."

Kasey Donaldson

Kasey Donaldson

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