67. Beat the Devil

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Dean, Sam, Alana, Sylvie, holding Shawn, Claudia, Spencer, Aiden, Adah, Gideon, Brianna, Maren, Castiel, Jack and Mary were all sitting around the map table. The table top was covered in the remains of dinner - beer bottles, plates and pizza boxes. Dean reached into one of the pizza boxes and got a slice. Castiel and Jack looked on in disbelief. Dean took a bite.

"Dean, you can't possibly eat another. That's your seventh piece," Castiel noted.

Dean replied with his mouth full, "No, it's not."

"Castiel's right. I counted," Jack said.

Dean said to Jack, "Okay, first, don't be narc. And secondly, seven pieces is perfectly normal. Alana, you know I'm right."

Mary was watching Dean with a warm smile on her face, amused by her son.

Sam was amused and judgy. "Uh, it's really not."

"It's not even a whole pie," Dean reasoned.

Alana laughed softly. "Would you like a whole pie?"

"Is that even a question? But I'd share it with you and the kids. Maybe."

"Was he always like this?" Jack wondered.

Mary giggled, got up, and began to clear the table. "Even as a baby. John and me, we used to call him our little piglet." She leaned over and rubbed his shoulder affectionately.

Dean, with his mouth full, dropped the remainder of the slice. "All right, I'm done."

Mary leaned over his other shoulder to take his plate and smiled at Alana. "With love."

"Mm," Dean hummed.

Alana felt for Dean's hand and took it, giving it a light squeeze.

Sam handed Mary his plate. "Thanks, Mom. You know what, let me help you."

Sam stood and collected some pizza boxes then followed Mary into the hallway.

Sylvie stood. "I'm gonna feed Shawn."

At the table, Dean motioned to Castiel to slide one of the remaining pizza boxes down to him. Castiel did and Dean began to dig out another piece. Aiden and his siblings laughed and grinned. Sam and Mary walked down the steps into the hallway.

"Hey, Mom, um, how you holding up?" Sam asked. "You haven't really said much since you got back, you know -- how you're doing. How it was over there and..."

"It was hard. But somehow, I always knew that you... you, Kennedy and Dean would come and save us. And you did," Mary replied.


"Yes, Sam? Sam?" Her voice became robotic.

Sam asked puzzled, "Mom?"

"Sam? Sam? Sam?" The beeping of an alarm began to accompany each word.


Sam woke up from a dream and was lying in his bed next to a still sleeping Sylvie. He gasped and jolted awake, the beeping noise was his alarm. He reached over and turned off the alarm. He rubbed his hands down his face and folded back the covers to sit up on the side of the bed. He dragged his hands down his face again and blinked, trying to wake up. He smiled at the bassinet holding his and Sylvie's son.


Rowena was standing at a table. She organized the ingredients for the spell to open the rift. Sam, Alana and Dean were packing their gear.

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