69. Let the Good Times Roll

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People from Apocalypse World were gathered around Sam, who was standing in front of a board covered with news clippings of world events.

Sam pointed to various pictures and clippings. "The ice caps are melting. People marching. A little bit of, uh, craziness in the movie world. Businessman billionaire mogul turned president, embroiled in yet another controversy. And that... is pretty much the world -- uh, our world -- right now."

"Let me get this right -- the ice caps are melting, a movie where a girl goes all the way with a fish... wins Best Picture, and that damn fool idjit from The Apprentice is president?" Bobby asked.


"And you call where we come from "Apocalypse World"."

Sam laughed. "Good point."

Sam's cellphone rang. "Sorry. Uh. Excuse me." Sam turned from the group to answer his phone. "Dean."

"Hey, Sam. Got something."

"All right. I'm on my way."

Sylvie glanced at Sam. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Would you for some company?"

"Always from you."


The ground was wet and muddy.

Alana walked up to Dean. "Hey."

Dean smiled. "Hey. You didn't bring-"

"No, Dean, I'm not an idiot. The kids are at the bunker. Something about B movies. Brother Bear was one of the ones listed."

"That is a good one."

"It is."

"All right, gang's all here," Dean noted.

Sam and Sylvie joined Dean, Alana, Castiel and Jack.

"How many are inside?" Sam asked.

"I can hear three. Wait, maybe -- maybe four," Castiel replied. "They're talking about whether Kylie Jenner would make a good mother. The consensus is no."

"Yeah, well, that's why I'm a Khloe man," Dean said. "All right, we're talking werewolves," Dean took an ammo clip out of his pocket and loaded his gun, then he gestured towards Jack, "which means..."

"Silver bullets," Jack finished.

"That's right. So, you know the play. Let's do it to it."

They walked towards the boat house. A man exited and struggled to light a match for his cigarette. He turned his back and continued to struggle with the match. When he turned back, Castiel stabbed him with an angel blade. The man's eyes turned green and fangs descended from his gums.

Inside the boathouse, two men were drinking beer and laughing.

"And that... that is why I'm a Khloe man," one man said.

Sam, Alana, Sylvie, Dean and Jack busted through the door. The men's fangs descended as they jumped up out of their seats. Jack held out his hand and held them back as Sam, Alana, Sylvie and Dean shot the men several times.


Mary and Bobby were walking along a path in the woods carrying umbrellas.

"So, you really like the rain?" Mary asked.

"When it's this beautiful, I do," Bobby replied.

"So what are you gonna do now?"

"Honestly, I got no clue. Everyone seems to be settling in okay in town. Ketch is out doing Ketch things. Rowena and Charlie are road tripping it through the Southwest."

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