87. Absence

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Dean, Alana, Maren, Brianna and Sam came back to the bunker looking for Mary and Jack, wondering if they were back home.

"Yo, Mom! - Mom! Jack? Mom? Hey, Jack?" Dean called.

"Jack? Jack?" Alana and Sam said.

"Yo, anybody here?" A door opened and closed.

"Mom? Mom? Jack? Nothing," Sam informed.

"Jack!" brianna yelled. "Where's Gramma and my brother? Aiden! Gidey! Adah! Aunt Sylvie! Where are they?!"

"They probably just stopped for a bite on the way back. You two know how Mom gets after a hunt."

"Yeah," Alana agreed.

"Well, hey, here's to another miraculous Sam and Alana Winchester survival. Got to say, man, babe, if Jack hadn't have healed you two..."

"Yep," Sam and Alana stated.

"I'm glad he didn't hurt the girls. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if he had," Alana added.

"You know, lately, it feels like we'd be up the creek without that kid. I mean, first, he takes care of Michael and then Nick," Dean said.

"Kind of sounds like you're bummed about it," Sam noted.

"No. "Get out of jail free" card? I'll take that."

"Gonna try Mom?"

"Yeah." Dean tried calling Mary again though the cell phone on the other table was going off as if she left it there with her bag. "Looks like they left in a hurry."

"Try Jack."

"Yeah. Thanks. Okay. All right, thanks," Sam said.

"What did Jody say?" Dean asked.

"She hasn't heard anything."

"You two?"

"Nope. We left voicemails for Donna, Charlie, Bobby," Alana answered.


"Yeah Just got off the phone with her. She says she has a spell that might track them down," Sam informed.

"Okay, well, that's good." Dean's phone was ringing and he answered it, hearing Castiel on the line. "Hey, Cas."

"I got your message. Nick was trying to raise Lucifer?"


"Where is he now?"

"I don't, uh -- Kid said he took care of him. So, right now, we're just trying to find Jack and Mom."

"Are they together?"



"Y-Yeah. W-Why do you -- Yes, Cas, they were together, alone. What's he saying? I don't Cas? I, um -- If you have something to tell us, now's the time."

"I saw Jack. He -- He -- He did something when we got home with Sam. I went to check on him, and Felix was sick."

"Felix? You mean the snake?"

"Yes. Jack used his powers. He killed the snake. I think Jack considered it a mercy. I-I was gonna tell you."

"...but you just wanted to wait until we were already freaked out."

"I'm sorry. I don't think Jack is well, Dean. Dean?"

Dean hung up on Castiel.

"What?" Sam and Alana asked.

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