90. Back and to the Future

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Team Free Will battled a zombie horde.

"Sam! Dean! Alana!" Castiel called.

Castiel picked up Jack's body and ran, leading the way out of the zombie fight. Sam, Alana and Dean, the latter holding his terrified son and daughter, followed, dodging monsters and graves.

Sam spotted potential refuge. "Dean, Alana, this way!"

They closed in on a building with a heavy wood and iron door.


Sam and Dean barricaded the door against the zombies as Castiel carried Jack and laid him down on the floor. Alana held her crying son and daughter as she glanced at the door worriedly. Outside, the zombies converged on the building, while inside Team Free Will took stock, examining the two rooms they were trapped in. Dean looked down at Jack's body as Brianna and Spencer ran and both took one of Jack's hands, pressing it to their cheeks a moment.

"He didn't deserve this," Dean said.

"Cas, is he here? C-C-Can you... Can you...?" Sam stammered.

"I don't think so," Castiel replied.

"So, what? Chuck throws friggin' zombies at us now?!" Dean asked.

"I don't know if they're zombies, Dean. I think... I think whenever the souls came up from Hell that they... they just..." Sam trailed.

Alana frowned. "They what? Just jumped into the nearest body?"

"I guess, yes."

The undead rattled the doors and the barricade looked precarious.

"Is that thing gonna hold?" Sam asked worriedly.

"The doors are banded iron, so it... I hope."

"Chuck... He said, "Welcome to the End." What... What does that mean? Cas? Come on, man! Ideas! Can you smite our way out of here?" Dean questioned.

"No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Dean. I... I don't know. They... They're ghosts, technically. Maybe... Maybe we can burn their bones?" Castiel guessed.

"Burn their bones? Cas, their bodies could be anywhere," Sam said.

"Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w-what, starve to death?!" Dean cried.

"Well, I wouldn't starve," Castiel told them.

"Well, good for you. Good. Son of a bitch. Chuck. Man, Alana and I knew it. We knew he would do something like this. He's always so squirrelly, you know, with the... with the... the robe and the beard and... the smile that's, like, half-nice, half "I'm gonna rip your throat out," he mocked, ""Oh, let me play you a song." Ugh!"

Brianna looked up at her father. "I thought God was supposed to be nice."

Dean knelt to her level. "Sometimes people aren't as nice as we think they are."

"But why?"

"I don't know, Bri."

Sam went to examine a part of the wall, kneeling down on the floor and pressing their ears to the stone.

"What do you got? Sam."

"You guys, I think hear water. There must be a-a drainage pipe or something," Sam said.

"Maybe a sewer line," Alana guessed.

"Yeah. Come on. Come on," Dean told them.


Sam, Alana and Dean pried away the stone with the iron rods they'd been carrying as weapons, but behind the stone was a brick wall. They began smashing it with their rods while Castiel stood in the back, watching them.

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