33. Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets

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A woman was playing an arcade game inside a bar while the bartender cleaned up.

"Unplugging things now," a man said. "Hint, hint."

"Yes, I'm almost finished," Benjamin replied.

"You don't have to beat that game every night."

"I disagree."

The man was carrying a trash bag. "Fine. I'm gonna take this out. Time I get back, we are closed. You leave. End of story."

Benjamin continued playing as someone entered.

"You're too old for video games," Lily Sunder said. Benjamin turned to look at her. "Oh."

"Were you waitin' to play?" Benjamin asked.

"Everyone deserves a turn."

Benjamin scoffed. "I'm sorry. Have we met?"

"Have we?"

Benjamin turned to leave. "Move out of my way."


"Or I will move you."

"Really? Go ahead. Try."

He stepped to get around Lily who moved to block him.

"Suit yourself," Benjamin said as she raised her hand as if to smite but was stopped by something. She tried again with the same result.

"Oh, Benjamin. Your little angel tricks won't work on me."

Benjamin produced an angel blade. Lily backed up a step as Benjamin asked, "Who are you?"

Lily produced two angel blades and they began to fight. Benjamin lost her blade and begged, "Don't. Please."

Lily laughed.

Benjamin said, "Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez."

Electricity crackled in the bar.

"That's right," Lily stated in a taunting tone. "Call your friends."

"Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Oh-law zeer ah tee-loh-kah. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Yar-ree fee-fee-suh, pie neez. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh. Nuh-nah-ee-luh zee-rum ah-duh-fantuh."

As Benjamin spoke, Mirabel, Ishim and Castiel looked around as the lights flickered. They looked around, then up.

Lily said softly, "I've waited so long." She stabbed Benjamin and left the bar.


Sam and Dean were looking at a board with a map, trying to track Kelly's movements. Alana and Sylvie were sitting nearby with the babies and the older kids were getting ready to put on a show that they'd agreed on.

"Yeah, I was looking at that earlier," Sam said. "Cas has been busy, huh?"

"Yeah, busy not finding Kelly Kline or her Rosemary's baby," Dean replied. "I mean, how's a chick like this just drop off the map?"

Sam sat. "Well, I think that's what he's trying to figure out. Hey, you, uh, you hear from Mom yet?"

"Yeah, she called last night, said she's got a line on a shapeshifter in Atlanta. I said we could come help, and she said, "Don't bother". Apparently, she's "got it"."

"Then she's probably got it."


"Mom's good."

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