92. The Rupture

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The spirits were attacking the ward around Harland. Stevie entered the scene, cocking her rifle. She glanced at the other hunters around her.

"Just me, or are these ghost hits coming faster?" a hunter asked.

"It's not just you," Stevie replied.

Stevie worriedly watched on as the attacks continued.


Dean led his group to the Highley Memorial cemetery. "All right, this way."

Sam was checking his phone.

"What's the word from outside?" Dean asked.

"Ghosts are still at it, trying to break down the barrier. I left some hunters at the gym to keep the peace. The rest are set up around the perimeter, in case-" Sam informed. "Sylvie's apparently here with the other kids. Didn't want to leave them alone."

"In case the spell breaks and a hundred billion ghosts come bursting out." Dean turned to Rowena. "This better work."

"It will work. The "Rafforza l'incantesimo" is a potent transubstantiation spell. It can turn gossamer into concrete," Rowena replied.

They walked into the cemetery.

"Like I said, get me close to the epicenter, find me a nice, protected ghost-free space -- I'll patch those crumbling walls right up, and we'll all be home in time for high tea."

They walked past the rift in the ground where spirits kept coming out. There were bodies everywhere. They stopped.

Castiel said sarcastically, "Ah. Great. A nice, protected space."

A crypt named "CARVER" was surrounded by bodies.

"Ugh," Dean groaned.

They walked in.

Sylvie, noticing the others, gathered the kids, with Alden's help, and they entered the crypt.


They all got inside and closed the doors. Sam locked the doors. Dean and Castiel scattered the salt. Alana and Sylvie did their best to make sure they were safe. Aiden kept his siblings and cousins busy. Rowena dropped her bag and took her coat off. She opened the Book of the Damned and prepared to perform the spell.

Something started banging on the door from the outside with force. Rowena kept performing the spell.

Rowena spoke in Italian. "Prendi ciò che è debole, rendilo forte. D'una piuma d'oca, fai una spada. D'una piuma d'oca, fai una spada. D'una piuma d'oca, fai una spada" Her eyes glowed violet. "Dalla nebbia, cemento-"


The ward seemed to be reinforcing itself. Stevie sent a text.


"Dalla nebbia, cemento possente, impenetrabile, inflessibile."

Sam got the text. "Looks like it's working."

Rowena stuttered.


The warding faltered.


"Rendilo forte. Rendilo forte!" Rowena had visions of the spirits, angry and menacing. She started panting. "Rendilo forte," she began yelling. "Rendilo forte!"

The bowl clattered to the floor as she fell to the ground.

"Rowena?" Dean and Sylvie called.

Rowena sat on the floor, terrified.

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