36. Family Feud

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A woman entered a bathroom to brush her teeth. A dark figure passed behind her. The door to her bedroom closet closed. She entered her bedroom, picked up a dress and hung it in her closet. She got into bed and fell asleep. Arms came out of the bed and grabbed her. The woman screamed. The picture was splattered with blood.



Sam was on his laptop typing. Aiden was next to him, working on spelling. Sylvie and Alana were sitting with the other kids, the babies in their arms.

Dean walked into the room, talking on his phone. "Okay, well, stay on it. You get any leads, you let us know, and we'll keep working it from our end. Thanks, Cas." He hung up and sat on the table. "So Kelly Kline is in the wind. No trace."

"Great," Sam said.

"No idea when Lucifer's kid is gonna pop, if it hasn't already."

"So basically, we got nothin'."


"All right. Well, we do have this other thing."

"What other thing?"

"Check it out. Museum in Des Moines, Iowa. A guy's body was found in the parking lot. A teacher. His tongue had been ripped out."

"Well, that didn't kill him."

"No, but having his internal organs crushed did. Uh, no obvious damage to the torso, no point of entry."

"You thinkin' witch?"

"Maybe. I mean, he was seen alive just a couple hours earlier, leading a student tour of the museum."

"Hmm. Haven't seen Mom in a while. Maybe she'll wanna work with us on this."

Alana shrugged. "Maybe." She felt pulling on her shirt. "Which rascal is that?"

"Me," Maren said. "Mama, hungwy."

Dean picked her up, pretending she was an airplane and flew her to the kitchen to get her something, then brought her back. Maren happily sat on his lap as she ate her applesauce.


Mary was fighting a rugaru. She shot him with an odd looking weapon and said, "Nice toy."

Ketch appeared and stopped the stopwatch he was holding. "Gets the job done."

Mary's cellphone rang and she looked at it and sighed before answering. "Hey, Dean. Nothin', just, uh... I'm at a motel outside Newark. No, no special plans. You know, pay-per-view, magic fingers, the uze. Oh, it's so sweet of you to think of me. I... Tongue ripped out. Wow. I, uh... I'm actually still sort of resting up after that whole Ramiel thing. But if you need me... You sure? Okay, rain check. Hey, I love you." She hung up.

"You're an excellent liar, Mary."

"I haven't told my sons or my granddaughter I'm working with you."

"I gathered, and I understand. Sam, Seylah and Dean aren't our... biggest fans."

"Yeah, 'cause you, uh, tortured them."

"We've been through that."

"Right. It wasn't you, it was your, uh, "rogue operative.""

"Exactly. So... drink?"


Crowley was standing in front of a man bound to a chair with chains. He walked around and spoke to the man; Lucifer. "Oh, you'll resist, at first. But the humiliation will eat at you. Until, finally, you're worn down by your utter helplessness. And you call me... Master." He inhaled sharply. "You brag of your superior power. Well, genius trumps brute force. I've had a dozen of my most loyal studying the cage where you were held at the molecular level. They managed to replicate the material. They made those chains. Getting you here... well, that was a different matter."

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