13. Love Hurts

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"Here honey let me," Melissa said as she straightened Dan's tie.

"Thanks babe," Dan replied as Melissa kissed him.

"Since the day I met you," a doorbell rang, "doesn't Stacy know to knock. She'll wake Tegan."

Dan got the door and Stacy apologized. "Sorry I remembered after I rang... so where's Melissa?"

"She's getting ready," Dan replied and Stacy kissed him.

"Ew I can taste her mom lipstick... you're telling her tonight right?"

"It's Valentine's Day."


"So that's heartless... can't we talk about this later?"

"I'm tired of waiting."

"I told you it's not that simple. Mel and I... we've been together since we were your age. We have a house, a baby... we have a whole life together."

"Dan, don't you get it that's what I want. Either tell her tonight or..."

"Or what?"

"Melissa you look so pretty." Melissa walked in the room. "I love your lipstick."

"Thanks... you ready?" Melissa asked her husband.

"Mhmm," Dan hummed.


Stacy was flipping through channels and snacking. There was man outside the door. He came in quietly and put a hand on Stacy's shoulder. She jumped and turned around.

"You scared the hell out of me," Stacy said. "What are you doing here?" He massaged her shoulders. "Mmm that feels good."

He put his hand through her chest and pulled out her heart.


"Morning," Dean greeted as he and Alana stumbled in and he opened the fridge and pulled out some Chinese leftovers and took a bite.

"Is that a hickey?" Sam asked as Dean spit out his food.

"And? It was Valentine's Day. I can't help it if I'm a hopeless romantic. Gotta give my beautiful wife the best night of her life, right?"

"You got half of that right."

"Just doing my civic duty. Helping keep the wife happy. You know the best thing about February 14th. You don't have to be Mr. Right. Just Mr. Right Now."

"That's classy."

Alana snickered. "He's right, love. Were the kids good for you?"

Sylvie entered and nodded. "Yeah, they were."

"Yeah, and what'd you two do, judgy? Curl up in your Snuggie, watch 50 Shades on cable?" Dean asked.

"Yeah... no," Sam said. "Check this out. Stacy Altman, 19-year-old babysitter from Hudson, Ohio was murdered last night."

"Oh that blows. But if her name's not Amara, how is that us?"

"Because her heart was ripped out."

"On Valentine's Day? What is that like an ironic werewolf? All right we'll check it out. But first Alana and I need bacon."

"No first you need a shower. You too, Alana."

"Is it," Dean sniffed his armpits and made a face, "you're not wrong."

Alana sniffed her armpits and grimaced. "Yeah, you're right. I call first shower."

"Yeah," Sam and Sylvie agreed, chuckling as Alana darted off to get the first shower.

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