106. Unity

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Reykjavik, Iceland

Amara sat reading a book in the pool.

A man walked up behind her and asked in Icelandic, "More wine?"

Amara glanced back and replied in Icelandic, "No. Thank you." The man walked away.

She set her book down and closed her eyes a moment before looking at the sky. A comet passed, followed by many more.

Amara stood, got out of the pool, and slipped on her robe. "Welcome home, brother."


Sam was on the phone. "Nothing? You sure?"

"Yes," Castiel replied. "I've sequestered myself in the archives..."


"...in the Basilica of Guadeloupe chasing down a rumor of a spell so powerful it could, quote, "wound God Himself." But it turns out it was just that -- a rumor." He sighed. "I just -- I don't know what else to do."


"That's all right. We'll find a way. Just get home." The phone beeped as he ended the call.

Alana sighed. "Anything?"

Sam shook his head. "Unfortunately, no."

Dean, followed by Sylvie and the kids, walked in and asked, "That Cas?"

Sam glanced at Alana and nodded while simply raising his eyebrows at Dean.

"So that's how it's gonna be?" Dean asked. "You give me the silent treatment? I'm already getting that from my wife."

"I'm not sure what you want me to say," Sam replied.

"That you get it. Like I said, killing Amara, Jack dying -- that's the only way."

Sam and Alana scoffed and Sam said, ""The only way." "Our one shot," "our last chance." You ever get tired of saying stuff like that?"

"We don't have to like it, all right, but you two and me, we gotta get it done."

Brianna glared at her father. "Jack's not gonna die. You said we save people."

A clattering sounded and the kids moved closer to their mother and aunt.

The Winchesters went to investigate and found Amara getting a beer.

Amara turned and said, "Sam, Dean, Alana. Sylvie. We should talk."

They gathered in the library.

Amara continued. "My brother has returned."

"That means it's time," Jack told the Winchesters.

"Did he contact you?" Sam asked.

"He's made himself known," Amara replied. "How do you intend to cage him? When God caged me, he had four archangels. Do you have four archangels?"

"Nope. We got one Jack," Dean said.

Amara looked to Jack before saying, "I wish we'd gotten to know one another. That's my fault. Maybe when all of this is over, we can?"

Jack glanced down and smiled before nodding a little.

"He's been juicing himself up, getting stronger," Dean said.

"But I need to complete a final ritual," Jack added.

Sam, Sylvie and Alana glanced down. Maren hugged Jack and looked up at him before saying, "You'll be okay?"

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