41. The Memory Remains

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At the bunker, Dean was still trying to reach Castiel on the phone and left him yet another message. "Come on. Cas, it's me. I've been trying to get ahold of you for days. We don't know what's going on, but we got a line on Dagon... And we got our asses handed to us, even with the Colt. So... Could really use the backup. Call me back."

"So no luck with Cas, huh?" Alana asked.

"Yeah, still AWOL."

"All right, so let's find him," Sam decided.

"I've been trying, Sam. The GPS on his phone's turned off, and there's nothing in the system about some weird guy in a trench coat getting arrested or turning up dead."

"Right. Dean, it's Cas. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dropped off the map, you know? And whatever's happening, he'll be fine. He always is."

"Yeah." Dean was unconvinced and continued cleaning his guns. "What about you? You two got anything there, Reading Rainbows?"

"Sylv and I stayed up all night, going through every book we have on demons, and it turns out we have a lot of books on demons."

"Anything on Dagon?"

"Mentions here and there, but nothing we can use. I guess the, uh, Princes of Hell are pretty good at staying off the radar," Sylvie replied.

"Well, yeah, isn't that kind of their thing?"

"Hmm. Just got an e-mail from Mick. It's a case," Sam informed.


"Looks like a guy named Jarrod Hayes disappeared in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, a week ago. No witnesses. No body. But Mick says this place has a history."


Sylvie leaned over to look at the screen. "Well, it means a lot of people go missing in Tomahawk, one a year, every year, from 1898 to 1997, and then nothing until now."

"So 20 years?"

"Yeah," Sam confirmed. "So maybe they're starting up again? Maybe it's a cycle of some sort?"

"Well... One way to find out." Dean pointed the gun. "Pew."

"Pew! Pew!" Gideon cried, shooting Adah with a Nerf gun, and Adah shot back at him.

"Careful with those," Dean warned.

Adah smiled as she shot her brother who pretended to die and turned the gun to her mother.

Dean said, "Shoot your mother and that gun goes into timeout."

"But-" Adah began.

"Adah, Mommy can't see, remember?"

"But she has really good hearing."

Alana snuck around, listening for Adah's voice, and embraced her, tickling her. "Mama's gonna attack you instead."

Adah giggled and said, "Okay, no shooting Mama. Can Gidey and I come on this job?"


Dean nodded. "Sure. Stay close to one of us. And the Nerf guns stay at home."

The two set the guns down.

Sylvie met her husband's eyes. "I'll handle the other rascals and keep an eye on the bunker."

Sam nodded and gave her a kiss. "See you soon, Sylv."

Ketch, who'd received Sam's message, announced to a group of associates. "It's time."


Sam, Alana, Adah, Gideon and Dean visited Sheriff Barrett Bishop, Jr.'s office. He was preoccupied with sewing a taxidermy animal, and seemed disinterested in Jarrod's disappearance. Adah and Gideon looked around at all the animals.

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