43. Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes

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Rain pounded on a large boarding house. In a parking area, a green smart car pulled in. A woman entering the front door of the boarding house and down her suitcase, looked around.

"Hello?" the woman called.

An elderly woman was in a side room knitting as she said, "You have to ring the bell."

The younger woman was startled and gasped slightly as she turned to look at who spoke. "You startled me."

"What a delicate constitution you must have."

The younger woman was somewhat off-put by the comment and as the elderly woman started to wrap up her yarn, she noticed that the elderly woman had a large ring on her finger.

"Uh, that is a lovely ring," the younger woman commented.

The elderly woman glanced and her ring and smiled while continuing to wrap her yarn. "Ah. Yes. And if it goes missing, I'll know who to blame."

The younger woman was insulted by the comment. "I could cleanse your aura if you like." She smiled and tilted her head. "Looks a little... muddy."

The elderly woman looked unimpressed by the comment and gave a strained smile. "Mm."


The woman ringing the bell at the check-in counter. She turned as she heard someone coming down the stairs behind her. She saw a man carrying a load of towels hurrying to the counter.

"Oh," the man said. "Coming! Sorry. Hi." He turned behind the counter and put the towels down. "Hi. Sorry for the wait." He picked up a pen to mark down information. "Are you Tasha?"

"Tasha Banes, yes. I called and..." Tasha trailed.

"Yes, right. I'm Andy. We've got you set up at the top of the stairs."

"Fantastic." Andy reached down and grabbed the keys for Tasha. "So what brings you to Rock River? Business or pleasure?"

He placed the keys in Tasha's hand.

"Little bit of both," Tasha replied.


Tasha reached down to get her suitcase and headed towards the stairs. Andy looked after her as she walked away.


Tasha was performing a spell. She received a message on her phone from Alicia but the phone was on the desk and Tasha didn't see it.

Tasha was swinging a crystal pendant over symbols on the floor. "Reveal. Now. Reveal. Now. Reveal."

Tasha's eyes flashed purple and the crystal pendant lit up purple as well and moved out on its chain to show where Tasha needed to go. She got up and followed the crystal downstairs, then outside to the cellar entrance. She put the crystal away and opened the cellar entrance. She cautiously went downstairs. There were plants growing everywhere and an unpleasant smell.

"Ugh. Oh God."

She turned to look at something and was suddenly stabbed from behind. The weapon was removed and Tasha collapses to the ground.


The boys and girls were sitting in the bunker, talking about what happened the night before. The kids were playing games and the babies were sleeping.

"Okay, so last night... that Super Mario power-up crap?" Dean said. "That wasn't Cas. That freaking baby isn't even born yet and it sock puppeted him. Think about it." He got up and started walking over to where Sam, Alana and Sylvie were sitting. "Cas said that he had faith in Lucifer Jr.? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

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