93. Atomic Monsters

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The Bunker emergency red light was on. Gunshots and screams were heard. A man was flung against the wall as Dean came into view, holding a gun. They fought before Dean shot him, and another man behind him. Dean flung the man against the door and then onto the ground. He fell to the ground as Dean shot him again, twice. A sparking sound could be heard. The men were demons.

Dean moved down the hallway, holding his gun in front of him. There were dead bodies on the ground. Another demon appeared and fought Dean. He pushed the demon against the wall and shot him. The demon fell and died. Dean moved around the corner, when a bald man appeared and held Dean's gun. He let the man move behind him, and Dean tapped him on the shoulder. He signaled for the man to move down the hallway.

Dean moved around the corner into the next hallway. Another demon approached Dean and they fought. Dean flipped him over and rolled, shot another demon that ran at him, before he turned and shot the demon he was fighting. He shot at another demon.


Dean entered the kitchen, his gun out as they looked around and saw dead bodies everywhere. Dean turned to the side and saw Benny sitting upright, injured. He crouched in front of him.

"Benny?" Dean called.

"Dean," Benny greeted.



"Hey, you're gonna be okay."

"Nah. I'm not. I... I'll see you on the other side, brother."


Benny's head lulled forward and he died.

"Benny," Dean called.

Dean got up and moved towards a man who was still awake. He was a demon. Dean kicked the demon's gun away and grabbed him by the shirt. He lifted him up and pointed his gun at him.

"Where is he?" Dean demanded.

"He's closer than you think," the demon replied.


The demon's eyes flashed to black. "Maybe I'll tell you. Right before I rip out your..."

Dean shot the demon. He sparked out as he died. Dean looked back at Benny's body.


There were dead bodies around the room and on the map table. Dean walked in with his gun pointed. Sam turned the corner. Dean approached him as he aimed his gun at him.

"He was right. Closer than you think," Sam said, glancing down at Sylvie, Alana and the children's bodies.

"Sam?" Dean asked.

Sam looked at Dean. "You know, I knew you'd come looking for me. After Sioux Falls... I suppose you had to."

"What you did to them... what you did to Bobby... to Jody..." Dean began. "What you did to Sylvie, Alana and the kids..."

"They tried to stop me. But I will not be stopped."

"Sammy, listen to me. This is the demon blood. You have to fight it!"

"Why would I do that?"

The bald man from earlier approached behind Sam. Sam turned his head slightly and the man's neck snapped as he fell to the ground. Sam looked back at Dean with an evil smile.

"Sammy, please. Please," Dean said.

Sam smirked. His eyes flashed to black. He cocked his head to the side. Dean's neck snapped as he fell to the ground, dead.

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