75. Optimism

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A girl walked across the street and said, "Good morning," to a man sitting on the bench.

She walked to a library and unlocked door and went in. She started putting away books from a cart.

A hand tapped her on the shoulder.

Harper gasped.

"Whoa, whoa. Harper, it's me," Winston said.

"Winston, God."

"Sorry, I just ah, ah, just wanted to make sure we are still on for, you know, dinner tonight?"

"Uhm, yeah, sure."

A man came around corner holding a stapler as a weapon. "Harper!! Are you okay? I heard a scream. Is this guy causing trouble?"

"This guy? Miles, we went to high school together," Winston said.

"Miles, we talked about you minding your own business. Didn't we?" Harper nodded. "Put the stapler down."

Miles folded up the stapler. "I heard a scream."

There was an awkward moment as the three looked at each other, then Miles left.

"He's always been creepy," Winston told her.

"He's just overreacting because nothing ever happens here," Harper replied. "Nobody comes to the library anymore. Not even for story time. Isn't that sad?"

"Well, I'm here."

Harper smiled. "I'll see you tonight."

"For our date."

"For dinner. Which I'm sure will be a very nice time."

Winston left, walked out of library, pumped his fist, and grinned.

He strolled down the street to the music of the Bee Gees. All of a sudden, a hand grabbed him by the face and he screamed.


Jack was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. He was pouring lots of sugar in as Dean and Sylvie walked in, Brianna and Gideon running behind their father and aunt.

"Geez, what's up with the sugar?" Dean asked.

"Well, without my powers everything tastes different so, I can't get this how I like it," Jack replied.

Sylvie smiled. "Sometimes things can be tricky to figure out. I personally like a lot of sugar."

Dean nodded as he turned to Jack. "Seen Sam?"

"He and Alana went to meet up with Charlie. You two were on an overnight run to Mary and Bobby's place. He said it couldn't wait," Jack said.


Sam, Alana and Charlie were sitting in a truck looking bored.

Sam sighed. "So this is where all the people are missing?"

"Yep," Charlie said.



"So he just left you here, huh?" Dean asked.

"Yep, Sam wanted someone around when you came back. He's worried about you."

"Yeah, that sounds like him."

"Dean, what happened with Michael, no one blames you."

"Cool, well I blame me, so..."

Jack coughed.

"Still with that cough, huh?" Sylvie asked worriedly, checking Jack's forehead.

"Maybe I'm allergic to sitting around doing nothing." Jack pushed Sylvie's hand off. "I'm okay. Really."

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