62. Scoobynatural

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Dean was fighting a giant green dinosaur plushie in a pawn shop. "Aah! Aah! Uh! Uhh!"

Sam jumped in and tackled the dinosaur to the ground. Dean ran over and poured a liquid on the dinosaur while Sam was holding him down.

"Holy oil!" Dean cried. He turned to Sam. "Okay, move!"

Sam dropped a lighter on the dinosaur. The dinosaur roared and thrashed on the ground as it started to burn. After several seconds, it exploded, raining costume parts and stuffing all over the store.

"Oh!" Sam cried. "Pfft." He blew the hair out of his eyes.

"Whoa," Dean commented, looking at the mess.

The shop owner came up from where he was hiding behind the store counter behind Sam and Dean and the dinosaur. "Is it over?"

"Yeah. Yes. Uh, sorry about the mess," Sam apologized.

"You boys just took down an evil plushie that was trying to kill me. We're all good."

A man walked into the shop, calling out, "Alan? Everything okay in here?"

Alan stepped in front of the man to stop his walking further into the shop. "Oh, uh, hey, Jay."

"I heard the ruckus next door, and I... What in the... What... holy heck?" Jay asked, looking around at all the stuffing on the floor.

"It -- it was a-a..." Sam began.

"Did they do this?"

"No. Naw, it was a... Defective product. Yeah, sometimes the batteries in these... giant stuffed dinosaurs just explode."

Dean chuckled. "Yeah, never buy anything from Mooselyvania."

"Mm. Exactly," Sam agreed.


"Okay," Jay replied skeptically.

"Uh, guys, this is Jay. He's the big man around this neighborhood. Owns practically the whole damn thing -- the Chinese joint, the laundromat," Alan told them.

"Great. Great, great, great. Yeah, that's very cool. Can you guys give us a second?" Sam asked.


Dean said to Sam, "Nice cover."

"What the hell was that? I mean, we rolled into town because people were seeing a lizard monster. And yes, we tracked it back here, but no way did I think we'd end up-" Sam was cut off.

"Killing Barney?"


Dean grinned. "Was pretty satisfying, though, wasn't it? Probably just a cursed object."

"Well, it didn't act like a cursed object. We should probably do some digging."

Jay popped up suddenly next to Sam and Dean. "Everything all right?"

The three eyed each other suspiciously.

"Yeah. Yeah, great," Dean said.

"Yeah. Uh, we were just gonna head out," Sam told him.

"Oh, hold up. You boys saved my life." Alan gestured around the store. "Anything you want, it's yours."

"We could never. We're -- we're just happy we could help."

"Wait. Uh... anything?" Dean asked.

Alan held his arms out. "Hmm."

Dean leaned forward and looked around the store. Sam and Dean carried a large television out of the store, walking past Jay as they reached the door.

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