56. Wayward Sisters

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A man sat at a table, sharpening a knife looking at something. A young girl, Amanda, had her hands tied and was cowering in the corner. Another man, Ed, approached the terrified girl. A post van was moving along a road. Ed crouched in front of Amanda. "Wanna hear a joke?"

"Ed, don't play with your damn food," a man said.

"Knock knock? Come on, girly, I said knock knock?"

"Who's there," a girl called.

Ed's face morphed into a werewolf's and he snarled at Amanda. She screamed.

"Hey!" the man cried.

"Haha!" Ed yelled.

The sound of a vehicle was heard outside the house, and headlights shone through the boarded up windows as the vehicle stopped outside. The man at the table's eyes constricted, showing he was a werewolf as well. Ed glanced at the other man and then walked towards the door. Footsteps were heard and then two distinct knocks.

"Who's there?" Ed asked.

"Delivery," Claire said from outside.

Ed opened the door. "I think you got the wrong house."

"Huh? Your name is right on the box."

Ed reached for the parcel; it was addressed to Mr Werewolf. "You hunter bitch!"

Claire shot Ed with the gun she was holding behind the box and walked into the house. The other werewolf threw his knife at her and then took cover behind an overturned table. Claire dodged the knife and shot at the table. He got up and ran out of sight.

"Amanda Fitzmartin? I'll be right there," Claire told the girl.

Claire reloaded her shotgun and looked for the other werewolf. A door creaked open and when she turned around he attacked her, knocking her to the ground. They struggled.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the man asked.

Claire broke his nose and gained the upper hand; she pulled out a knife from her boot and stabbed him.

"I kill monsters. That's who the hell I am."

Claire walked over to Amanda, her lip was cut and bleeding. "Your mother's been looking for you. It's going to be okay."

As Claire undid Amanda's bonds, she suddenly looked terrified. There was a female werewolf standing over the dead body. Claire turned around and shot her through the heart. "Like I said, totally okay."


Claire was sitting in her car, watching Amanda reunite with her mother at the front of the house. The mother mouthed a thank you to Claire and she acknowledged. Her phone rang, showing caller ID Jody Mills and she answered.

"Hi Jody."

"Hi. Claire, it's Sam and Dean, they're missing. I called Sylvie."


Sam and Dean were standing in a depression that appeared to be a giant talon print.

"Where the hell are we?" Dean asked.


Jody was on the phone with Claire. "They were on a hunting trip and I haven't heard from them in a few days. It's time to come home."


Claire was driving down to Sioux Falls. She pulled up at Jody's house.


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