104. Gimme Shelter

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Food was dished and a woman in dirty clothes entered and looked at the food.

"She's making it weird," a girl said.

"She's still one of God's-" the second girl was cut off.

"Creatures? Yeah, one of his weird, creepy-ass creatures." She sighed and the woman sat at a table. "Just maybe she should eat outside? Away from, like, people?"

"Right?" a boy agreed.

"So do something about it, Conner."

Conner looked at her a moment. "Yeah. Got it." He started walking towards the woman.

The pastor stopped him and asked, "Where you going, brother?" The second girl's eyes flicked to the pastor.

"We have house rules about being clean to eat here."

"Yes, we have rules, but we also have spirit, too, right?"

Conner glanced at the woman and turned back. "Yes. We have spirit, Pastor."

The pastor put his hand on the back of Conner's neck. "Lead with compassion on this one."

Conner nodded and grabbed a dish of food and a spoon. He set it in front of the woman before smiling, giving a small nod and walked away.

The pastor smiled.


Conner walked along the street and heard a man's voice call, "Hey, Conner!" Conner looked around. "Down here! I need your help!" Conner continued walking. "Conner!" He turned abruptly to see no one.

He backed up slowly and tripped on something, falling back. He sighed and noticed a bear. Conner picked up the stuffed animal.

"Hey, Conner," the bear said.

Something was thrust around Conner's neck and he fell to the ground, choking.

He was dragged away.


Dean and Alana, followed by the younger kids, entered and the former asked, "Hey, you got anything?"

"Uh, this thing in Missouri," Sam replied. "Not too far. Felt like a case, but I don't think it is." Dean and Alana sat across from Sam and Sylvie. "How about you two?"

"Yeah, check this out. Last night, power goes out in Atlantic City."


"So local crews can't find anything wrong. There was no storms, nothing wrong with the grid. Still... darkness." He handed Sam the iPad.

"And you two think..." the iPad headline read 'Blackout in Atlantic City has Officials Baffled'.

"Well, this weekend the, what was it, the Camelot Palace Casino, they're putting up the biggest keno jackpot ever."

"How's that important?" Sam and Sylvie asked.

"Chuck said Amara loves keno," Alana said.

"Sylv and I thought he was kidding," Sam said.

"He's not that funny," Dean stated.

"You two think Amara just popped up in New Jersey," he handed the iPad back, "and caused a blackout?"

"She's a player," Dean and Alana replied.

"It's weak."

"Well, right now, weak is all we have, okay, 'cause nobody's found anything, and without Amara, we're screwed," Dean said. "So Atlantic City? All-you-can-eat prime rib. And possibly one all-powerful cosmic being. Come on, guys. Sounds like a road trip to me."

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