86. Game Night

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Donatello was kitchen, as he baked cookies and cheerfully sang.

Donatello was interrupted by a persistent ringing of his doorbell. "Hold your haystacks! I'm coming! Geez! I'm coming! Holy Christmas."

Donatello answered the door. "Hello. Can I help you?"

The person outside pushed inside.

In the kitchen, where Donatello had been singing, Donatello was tied up, a pot boiled over, and someone injected Donatello with something.

"Please," Donatello begged.

"Shh," the intruder said.

"No. Oh, no."

"No, no, no, no, no. Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah!" Donatello cried.


Dean was hard at work building the board game, Mousetrap, and struggling to make it work. "Come on."

The kids watched their father/uncle with an amused expression on their faces and laughed.


In the bunker kitchen, Jack and Mary prepared snacks.

"Do you think we have enough?" Mary wondered.

Dean yelled loudly, "Son of a bitch!"

"Son of a-" Maren began.

"Maren Deanna, don't you dare finish that sentence."

Mary was startled at Dean's shout. "What-"

"I thought this was supposed to relax him," Jack said.

"Um, it will-- I hope. I just thought it would be nice to stay in for a change. You know, this was his favorite game when he was little. How about you? Feeling better?"

"Everybody keeps asking me that."

"We're family. It's our job."

"Well, it's annoying."

"Jack... if you ever want to talk or... vent..."

"You're here. I know."

"All right."


Jack and Mary entered with snacks.

"Hi, Gramma," Maren said.

The kids waved and smiled as Sylvie entered with Shawn.

Mary smiled at her grandchildren. "Hi, you two."

"Winchester game night is a go -- soon as Sammy and Alana get back here with the two double-pepperoni meat blasters and a pineapple," Dean informed.

"I like it," Jack said.

"Yeah, it's like a crime against humanity."

Mary handed Dean his phone. "You missed a call."


There was a voice on the phone. "Dean."

"What's wrong?" Mary asked.

Dean listened to his voicemail, and then played it for everyone to hear. "Help me, please! Dean. It's me. It's Donatello."

"Donatello?" Jack asked.

"I need help. You, Kennedy and Sam. Help me, please! Hith-'o-rehr, shqodh... ki'o-yivkha has-sa-tan, k'ar-yeh sho-'ehgh, mith-hal-lehkh, u-mvaq-qehsh 'eth asher, yval-leha'."

Dean hung up and immediately dialed Sam's phone.

"You've reached Sam Winchester. If this is an emergency, call my brother or sister-in-law."

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