42. The Future

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Kelly sat against the wall in a basement.

"Hey," Dagon greeted. "Vitamin time." Kelly slapped her hand. "Don't." She shoved the pills into Kelly's mouth.

"No," Kelly whimpered in a muffled voice.

"Be a good girl," Dagon singsonged.

Kelly continued her muffled shouting and grunted. She rattled her chains.

"There." Dagon scoffed. "Really, Kel?"

Kelly swallowed and coughed.

"Not taking your pills, picking at your food, refusing to bathe?" Kelly coughed again and Dagon sighed heavily. "Stop disrespecting the god inside of you."

Kelly whispered, "He's gonna kill me."

"Yeah. And he's not gonna stop there. Every sad, weak human, every tight-ass angel, every sniveling demon they'll be consumed. So go ahead. Play your games. But whether you're healthy or sick, filthy or clean, he will be born. Good times. But until then..." she unlocked the cuff. "Do us both a favor? Take a bath."

Dagon left and walked upstairs. Kelly sniffled and whimpered. Her chains rattle and the door closed.

Kelly groaned, sniffled and sighed. "I love you." She filled the tub. "But we won't ever be together. There is no happy ending for either of us. And if what she said is true if this is what you really are," her voice broke, "what you'll do to the world, all that pain, all that death, I can't let that happen." She began crying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

She laid in the tub and sliced her arm. She grunted and gasped. "Oh." She gasped and grunted again. The shard clattered.

Kelly laid in the tub awaiting death.


Sam, holding a sleeping Claudia, and Sylvie were researching at the map table.

Dean, holding Spencer, approached and asked, "What's up, Beautiful Mind?"

"Guess Sylvie and I just figured we can't exactly track Dagon, so we've been reading up on nephilim, trying to figure out how much time we have before-"

"'Lil Lucifer pops?" Dean finished.

Sylvie frowned before saying, "Yeah. Okay, so we know Kelly got pregnant sometime in early December. According to lore, nephilim don't need nine months to get to full term, so Sam and I think she'll be giving birth around May 18th. Which means-"

"We have less than a month to find her."

"Yeah, and exactly no idea where to start," Sam added.

"Okay, but even if we do find her, what then?"

"Sylvie and I don't know. I mean, I-I-" The bunker door opened. "Cas."

"Hello," Castiel greeted.

"Hey. You're all right. Um - Where have you been?"

"Let me rephrase that for Sam," Dean said. "Where the hell have you been? And why have you ignored our phone calls?"

"Where I was, the - the reception was, uh, poor," Castiel replied.

"No bars? No bars. That's his excuse. Wow."

"I was in Heaven. I was working with the angels. When I saw Dagon had captured Kelly, I-I thought they could help."

"And?" Sam and Sylvie pressed.


"Well, at least you're back," Sam reasoned. "We're glad you're back."

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