102. Destiny's Child

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The Winchesters were flipping through books and scrolling on laptops, trying to find anything that would help kill God. Adah was reading to her siblings and cousins.

"Any sign of him?" Sam asked.

"Nothin' yet," Dean replied. "Chuck's probably trashin' a few dozen universes outside of CNN's range."

Sam let out a groan and scratched the back of his neck.

A noise caught their attention and the kids moved closer to their mothers.

Alana, Sylvie and Dean each picked a kid up, wary of the noise.

They followed the noise and saw a light disappear behind the door to room 28.

They walked up to the door to listen and Dean gave a subtle nod for Sam to open the door.

Sam did so and they came face-to-face with a mint green and a robin's egg blue Volkswagon.

The kids frowned at the cars, seeing Sylvie's grimace.

Two figures got out of the front seat, followed by several figures from the back.

The women from the other car got out, as did a group of kids.

Other!Sam had a man bun. Other!Dean and Other!Alana and Other!Sylvie looked back at the rift they'd just come from.

"Bro, baby, sis-in-law," Other!Sam began, "we did it."

The three adults fist-bumped and the Other!Kids high-fived the adults.

"Dean?" Sam, Sylvie and Alana asked.

"Sam, Alana, Sylvie," Other!Dean said.

"Sam? Alana? Sylvie?" Dean asked.

"Dean?" Other!Sam, Other!Sylvie and Other!Alana replied in the same questioning tone.

The Other!Kids looked at the kids. "Huh."

"What the hell?" the Winchesters wondered.

The kids looked between the adults, trying to figure out what was going on.

At the same time the Other!Winchesters wondered, "What the heck?"

The rift appeared again and Other!Dean and Other!Alana muttered, "Aw, nuts."

The Other!Winchesters disappeared, leaving the room empty.

The kids shared a frown.

They met up with Castiel in the map room and Sam began explaining what had just happened. "So this rift opened up in the middle of the Armory and these two guys, two girls, and a bunch of kids climb out of two cars and they look just like us-"

Dean interrupted him. "Except, no. And don't even get me or Sylvie started about the cars. Okay?"

Castiel stared at them. "I am not understanding."

Alana nodded. "Yeah, well, welcome to the club."

"It's like they were us, but from another world," Sam said.

"But how'd they get here?" Dean and Aiden wondered.

"They were running," Billie told them with hands on her hips. "Because God was destroying their reality. He's almost done, wrapping up those other worlds. And when he is-"

"It's our turn," Sam finished.

"Looks like. So we need to be prepared. I have the next step. For Jack."

Jack walked into the room holding a partially bit sandwich. He was chewing and let out a sigh. "I'm ready. Feeling, um, good about it."

"The first quest was meant to strengthen Jack's body. Step two is more spiritual in nature."

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