77. Byzantium

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Sam, Castiel, Sylvie, Alana, the kids and Dean waited by Jack's bedside. Jack tried to sit up.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's all right. Take -- Take it easy. Take it easy. It's all right. It's all right," Sam said.

"Please don't be sad. Maybe -- Maybe this is how things are supposed to be," Jack told them.

"Don't give me that "meant to be" crap. This isn't part of some damn plan," Dean replied.

"Dean..." Castiel began.

Jack coughed again, breathing oxygen with a mask, and Dean left the room, upset. Castiel followed. Alana left the room in tears. Dean pulled his wife into his arms.

Adah looked at Jack. "Why do people have to die?"

Jack smiled sadly. "I don't know why. That's just the way the world works. It's not fair, but that's what life is. Can you tell them... it's okay?" Jack asked.

"Tell them yourself. They'll be back in a minute," Sam replied.

"Sam, Sylvie... what happens next... for someone like me?"

"I don't know," Sam and Sylvie admitted.

"Then it's gonna be an adventure."

Aiden led his siblings and Claudia out for the time being.


Dean and Alana had stopped to brood when Castiel caught up to them.

"Dean. Alana," Castiel called.

"I can't. It's not right, Cas, you know? It's just -- It's not-" Dean trailed.

"What? It's not fair? I know that. But he needs you two."

Alana sighed, tears stinging her eyes. "Yeah, we know, Cas. But-"

Dean, Alana and Castiel returned to Jack's room, but they were too late.

"He's gone," Sam and Sylvie told them.

Adah glanced up at her uncle. "Jack says he's just sleeping for a long, long time."

Dean pulled Alana into his embrace, hugging her tightly and took his daughter's hand.

Sam pulled Sylvie close and put an arm around her shoulders.

Castiel, Alana, Sylvie, Dean and Sam lingered in the hallway outside Jack's room. The kids were sitting at the library table, talking amongst themselves.

"Maybe we should... start thinking about next steps," Castiel suggested.

"Wake and a bonfire, hunter style. It's what Jack would've wanted," Dean said.

Alana frowned and walked away.

Sam and Sylvie said nothing and stormed off. Castiel tried to stop them, but Dean stopped him with a hand on his arm.

"Sam," Castiel called, turning to Dean. "Your brother and his wife, as well as yours, are in pain."

"Just let them be. If they need their space, we're gonna give it to them."

Dean walked the halls alone. He called Mary and got her voicemail. "This is Mary Winchester. You know the drill."

Castiel stood over Jack's bed and picked up Kelly's picture.

"Hey, Mom, it's me. Sorry to lay this on your voicemail, but, uh... it's Jack. He... He got sick, um, and he, uh-- h-he died... this morning. I would have called you sooner, but, um, it -- it happened so fast. And we thought we could fix it, you know like always. Anyway, Mom, I'm sorry. I know how much he meant to you and, uh, to all of us. Anyway, to tell you the truth, it would really be nice to hear your voice. If you could, uh, just call us back."

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