28. The One You've Been Waiting For

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Dean, with Maren on his lap, and Brianna next to him, sat at the kitchen table typing away as Sam and Sylvie entered with grocery bags.

"Hey. Got everything on the list. So what are you thinkin', scrambled or fried?" Sam asked.

"I'm not really hungry right now," Dean replied.

Sam looked at him. "Y-you're not that..." Sam opened the box that contained a pie. "How about some pie?"

Dean didn't look up. "Maybe later. Kind of in the middle of something."

Sam sighed. "All right, dude, something's wrong."


Sam sighed again. "I get it. If Mom–"

Dean cut him off. "I'm gonna stop you right there, okay? Look, Mom needed her space, and I told you I'm cool with it."

"But are you really?" Sylvie asked.

Dean set down the laptop. "Happened last night."

Sam and Sylvie read the computer screen. "Killed in Mystery Fire."

"Mm-hmm," Dean hummed, checking out the pie. Maren reached for it and Dean pulled her hand back. "Not now, kiddo."

"Mystery fire?" Sam and Sylvie repeated.

"Yeah, the kind that doesn't burn anything but the bodies."

"So spontaneous combustion." Sam clicked tongue. "What are you thinking?"

"Uh, witch? Dragon?" Sylvie guessed.

"Rawr!" Maren shouted, causing her sister to laugh.

"Maybe. Check it out. The old lady? Loaded. I'm talking Scrooge McDuck swimming in pools of money. So what's a lady like that doing at some crap store at 3 a.m.?" Dean asked them, ruffling his daughters' hair.

"Well, it says it was an antique shop," Sam noted.


"Uh, rich people like antiquing. I don't know."

"I say we check it out."

"Uh..." Sam sighed. "All right. In the meantime, you sure you don't wanna talk about–"


"Dean, it's called sublimation."

"Yeah. Yeah, it's kinda my thing," Dean replied.

Sylvie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Okay. You two go off and have a brother hunt. Alana and I'll stay here with the kids."

Brianna frowned. "I wanna go, Daddy. I haven't been helping people for a long, long time."

"Bri, it's probably gonna be dangerous," Dean told her.

"I'll do the rules and be good. Please?"

"And me?" Maren asked.

Dean let out a sigh. "Sylvie, would you tell Alana Sam and I have younger girls?"

Sylvie nodded. "Yeah."


Sam and Dean approached and inspect the yellow tape that was pulled across the doors. Maren and Brianna had been left in the car in case the crime scene was gruesome.

"Looks like we missed the calvary," Sam noted.

"I guess we should go home then," Dean said.

As they entered the shop, Sam said, "All right, I'm guessing that's the first victim." He looked at a pile of ash.

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