49. Patience

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A woman, Dede, adjusted a framed picture of herself and Missouri Moseley on the mantle. A bell rang in the shop and a man entered. She turned and appraised him.

"Hello?" the man called.

"Sorry, I was just closing up," Dede replied. The man looked disappointed and he turned to leave. She gave him a look. "Oh, but, come in." The man looked unsure but turned. "Seems like something's on your mind."

"Yeah. A lot, actually."

Dede gestured for him to sit. They were seated at a table facing each other. Dede was dealing tarot cards. "So, what can I help you with?"

"Shouldn't you know already? Sign outside says you're psychic."

"I'm a psychic counselor, not a mind-reader. I read energies, auras."

"Can you read mine?"

"Close your eyes."

The man closed his eyes and leaned forward. Dede held her hands on either side of his head. The blue aura she saw turned red and the wraith's true face was revealed. He stabbed her hand, trapping it on the table. She screamed.

"Can't let you run away, especially now that I know," the wraith said, getting up and moving behind her. She struggled, crying and tried to beat him away.

"No, no, please no," Dede begged.

He restrained her and kissed her head. "You're the real deal."

"Please no, please don't."

The wraith pulled her head back by her hair. "Shut up."

A spike came out of his hand. Dede trembled. "Please, you don't have to. Please."

The spike pierced the back of her neck and she screamed.


Dean was sitting in his room on his bed with headphones on. Numerous empty beer bottles were set on the floor near the bed. He added another one to the pile. Jack was in another room in the bunker. He turned to the door as two people knocked on it.

"Who is it?" Jack asked.

"Hey it's us. Uh, Sam and Sylvie." Sam opened the door slowly as he carried a laptop, Sylvie following. "Hey. Just checking in. You haven't come out since we set you up. That's fine, I mean it's all been... pretty insane I'm sure. But, um... Anyway, I brought you something. Please, have a seat."

Sam and Sylvie entered the room. Jack sat on the bed.

"Before you were born, your mom left you a message. We know you have a bunch of questions and hopefully this is the start," Sylvie told Jack.

Sam handed over the laptop and a pen drive to Jack. Jack stared at the pen drive in confusion.

"Right, yeah. Here I'll um... There you go. Just push this button, right here, whenever you're ready." Sam plugged in the pen drive and he and Sylvie moved to leave.

"Thank you," Jack replied.

Sam and Sylvie waited in the doorway as the video began to play.

Kelly was on the screen. "Hi Jack, it's uh... I'm your mom. I guess I should tell you, um, I always wanted to be a mom. I'd play with dolls. I was that kind of girl and daydream about my baby."

Jack was emotional on viewing his mother; Sam received a call and moved away from the doorway, joined by Sylvie, where they had been watching Jack.


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