58. Various and Sundry Villains

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I-135 just north of Wichita, Kansas.

A younger man, wearing a ponytail and parka, entered the convenience store.

"Hey Marty," Dale greeted. "How's your night?"

Marty rolled his eyes and continued to read a magazine. While checking over the selection of alcohol, the young man noticed two pretty, blonde young ladies in the next aisle giggling. He went to greet the girls.

"Hi!" Jamie said playfully.

"Hey!" Dale replied.

The younger one, Jennie, slid past him, dropping a hex bag into his pocket as she passed and said, "Excuse me."

Jamie said quietly, "Aegrota amore."

Smooth jazz music began to play. The man turned with a smile spreading across his face and we see a reflection of pink/purple light in his eyes.

Jamie approached seductively. "Oh my God! Hi! I was totally hoping we could talk."

"You and to talk to me?" Dale asked.

"Mm-hmm. I mean you're so handsome."

Dale was surprised. "Really?"

"What's your name?"


"I'm Jamie, and that's my sister Jennie."

Dale turned and gave a nod to Jennie standing down the aisle. "Y'all from around here?"

"Nah, my sister and I are on our way to this little town called Lebanon. Heard of it?"

"I can't say that I have." He began to chuckle. "You are so beautiful."

"Oh. Thank you. Anyway, we're out of gas and we're out of money. Tragic, right?"

"That is terrible." He grew concerned. "Well, what can I do for ya? I'll do anything."

"I knew you were our hero. The easiest thing would be to take all the money from the register, grab a couple bottles of good vodka, and bring it outside."

"What about Marty?"

"What about him?"

Jazz began to play again and Jamie kissed Dale on the cheek. Dale's face lit up with a huge smile and there was a tinkling.

Glass shattered as Marty came through the store window, groaning in pain. Dale exited with a bag in one hand and a fist full of money in the other. He triumphantly headed towards the girls waiting in the parking lot.

"Finally," Jennie said.

"Got it for you, baby," Dale stated growing confused. "What's with the hammer?"

"Oh, my God, sexy. It's just for in case," Jamie answered. "Like for protection. This is a dangerous place at night."

"I mean, that guy in there totally just got killed," Jennie added.

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