39. Ladies Drink Free

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Sam, Sylvie, Alana and Dean were waiting, impatiently, in the British Men of Letters bunker. The kids were playing a game of hide and seek. The babies were sleeping.

"All right, that's it. I'm waiting in the car," Dean said.

"Dean, dude, wait a second," Sam told his brother.

"No. You know what? Getting jobs from these dicks is one thing, but she and I didn't sign up for this reporting for duty crap, especially when they're late."

Alana let out a sigh. "I agree. The least one can do is show up on time."

"Sorry I'm late," Mick apologized as the door locked and beeped. "My report to the home office ran long. We've had our hands full since..." Dean and Mick looked down at a blood stain on the floor. "Well, best not to dwell on that."

"Wow. That is some world-class repression. You are British," Dean said.

Alana nodded. "Quite so."

"We prefer to call it a stiff upper lip," Mick corrected.

Sam frowned at his brother and sister-in-law. "Okay, okay. Enough. Mick, what's the deal with the bat signal?"

Mick let out a sigh. "There was an incident in Wisconsin." He handed Sam a gray folder. "A girl named Hayden Foster's in the hospital, and her brother lost his heart. Looks like a werewolf."

"Well, they don't usually leave behind survivors."

Sylvie shrugged. "Maybe the freak probably got spooked before it could finish the job."

"Well, perhaps," Mick replied. "But it usually takes more than a fright to put your average werewolf off his supper."

"Oh, you'd know that, would you?" Dean questioned.

"Actually, I would. I did extensive research into lycanthropy at Kendricks." Mick walked across the room and pulled two books out of a cabinet.

"Kendricks?" Sam repeated.

"The Kendricks School. It's where the British Men of Letters train their operatives. It's like our-"

"Hogwarts?" Sam and Sylvie finished.

Mick placed one book on the table and handed one to Sam. "Exactly. Kendricks is the largest collection of occult lore in the world."


Sam and Sylvie looked to Dean enthusiastically. Dean was unimpressed and picked up Maren just before she ran into him.

Mick continued. "So when it comes to werewolves, I'm not entirely ignorant. For example, we know that last night's attack didn't happen on a full moon. Therefore, we're looking for a pureblood."

"You think?" Dean questioned. "It's like a milk run to me."

"Then you don't mind if I tag along?"

Sam frowned. "Mick, um... Listen, I-I don't think... I don't think it's really your kind of thing."

"Oh, no, maybe it should be. I had the best team, but most of us, we were thinkers, not fighters. And let's be honest – you and your mum, you're the only reason I'm still alive."

Alana tilted her head slightly. "So now you wanna be like us?"

"No. I just want to be ready for whatever's next."

Sam, Alana, Sylvie and Dean, holding Maren, were in the hallway while Mick packed up in the main room. Aiden and the others were still playing their game.

Dean pointed back towards Mick. "Dude, he is dead weight, and you know it."

"Look, Mick's inexperienced, sure. But these people have some serious knowledge," Sam told him.

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