63. The Thing

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Chanting sounded as two robed and hooded men dragged a struggling woman in a beaded flapper dress through the door into a candlelit bunker style room. They were followed by a leader dressed in an ornate burgundy robe carrying a chalice."

The Men of Letters cultists chanted repeatedly, "Insanidox koth munto."

The men chanted and gathered items and images of the men shackling the flapper to a stone table.

The flapper whimpered and sobbed. "No, please! No!"

An ornately dressed man prepared for a ritual. A rusty metal box sat to the side. A chain was fastened around the still struggling flapper's middle. Robed hands crushed the fruit into the chalice, blood was poured in, as was a vial of glowing blue angel grace. The chanting stopped and the leader began.

The leader held the chalice above the woman on the table. "Insanidox koth munto... Yokoth."

The lead cultist put the chalice on the table and removed a chain from around his neck. The chain had a large purple crystal pendant. He held it over the chalice with his other hand held in benediction. The contents of the chalice began glowing purple.

The leader chanted again. "Insanidox koth munto. Yokoth."

"Yokoth! Yokoth!" the Men of Letters cultists chanted.

The crystal shot a beam of purple light towards the ceiling where an inter dimensional rift formed above the woman and the table. As the cultists chanted, a large tentacle swooped out of the rift towards the woman who screamed in terror.



Sam and Sylvie were asleep at the map table. They were leaning over with their heads resting on a book and their outstretched arms. Dean and Gideon came up behind Sam and Sylvie and carefully placed a post-it note that read 'DUM DUM' and on the back of Sam's shirt. Dean placed a second note that read 'KICK ME' on Sam's back while Gideon laughed.

Sam and Sylvie both stirred with a quiet grunt and lifted their heads, but remained asleep. Dean paused and shook his heads minutely, hoping that Sam and Sylvie wouldn't wake up. Sam and Sylvie placed their heads back down on their arms and Dean, satisfied that his brother and sister-in-law were still sleeping, continued placing two more post-it notes on Sam's back. His final two read 'ASS FACE' and 'I'M STUPID ASK ME'. As Dean placed the last notes, Sam and Sylvie sat up with a groan, rubbing their eyes as they woke.

Dean jumped back looking guilty, but casually walked past Sam and Sylvie towards the chair at the end of the table as if he'd just entered the room.

"Dean? Gideon?" Sam and Sylvie called sleepily.

Gideon grinned as he ran to find his siblings.

Dean pulled out a chair and sat. "Yeah?"

"What are you doing?"

Dean gestured with his hands and casually picked up a coffee cup. "Nothing. Uh, whatcha two reading?"

He took a sip from the mug. Sam and Sylvie looked at Dean suspiciously and adjusted their shirts. They inhaled deeply, rubbed their foreheads and looked down at the book on which Sam had been sleeping.

"Well... Um... Sylv and I finally found something on the Seal of Solomon, but - it's really weird," Sam said.

"Yeah, hit me!" He sniffed before taking a sip.

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