Bringing in New Life

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[So I realized I needed to do this... Oops. This is somewhere between Scoobynatural and The Thing; I'm guessing on the date.]

Sylvie woke up in intense pain. She shook her husband's shoulder. "I think it's time."

Sam immediately sprang into action.

Adah walked up, rubbing her eyes. "Why's Aunt Sylvie making those noises? Is my new cousin gonna come?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, you'll have a new cousin soon."

Adah grinned. "I'll go tell them!" She darted off.

Sam helped Sylvie to the medical wing and for several grueling hours, or was it longer, she wasn't paying attention, she waited until she was dilated enough to deliver.

After several pushes, the cries of a new baby filled the room.

Sam smiled. "Sylv, we have a boy."

Sylvie smiled at her husband and son. "He's perfect. Thank you, Sammy."

Sam stroked her hair back. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?"

Sylvie smiled wider, though it was a tired one.

Sam took on the task of cleaning the baby and handed him to Sylvie.

Sylvie glanced at Sam and he nodded. She stroked their son's cheek and smiled softly. "Hi, Shawn, I'm your mom. Your dad is right by me."

Sam sat on Sylvie's bed and gently rubbed his son's head. "You've got the best, sometimes dysfunctional family in the world."

Aiden walked in, followed by his siblings, and grinned. "He's really cute. What's his name?"


Gideon tilted his head. "Shawn what?"

"Shawn Robert," Sylvie said.

Adah nodded. "I like that name."

"Me too," Brianna agreed.

"And me," Maren said.

Dean walked in and smiled. "Congrats, you two. Hey, rascals, let's give them some time, okay?"

He took the kids out and Sam and Sylvie shared a smile, then turned to their son with the same soft smile.

Shawn Robert, born November 17, 2017

Shawn Robert, born November 17, 2017

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