80. Damaged Goods

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A woman was sitting in a chair, her hands tied to the back. There was a Devil's Trap on the floor.

"Never been caught by a human before. You some kind of hunter?" the woman asked.

Nick walked into the room. "No. No, I know a couple. Picked up some tricks. And a few other things." Nick pointed an angel blade in the demon's face.

"Well, if you're not a hunter, let's make a deal."

"Mnh-mnh. No deals." Nick made a cut on the demon's cheek with the angel blade.

"What do you want?"

"Abraxas. The last demon I killed said you and Abraxas made quite the team. Until he was captured by a hunter. You left your pal in the lurch, but you know who got him."

"If I was there. The hunter who caught him, who almost got me -- why would I protect them? Hell, I can even tell you where to find 'em. So... no need for any of this."

"Oh, I don't know. Where's the fun in that?" Nick lifted the angel blade to the demon's neck.

"Hibbing! She's in Hibbing, Minnesota."

Nick smiled. The demon's eyes flashed black as she smiled. Nick lifted the angel blade and stabbed it through her eye. She screamed.


Dean was packing. He put lore books on Fallen Angels and History of Archangels, a power saw, gloves, and a mask into his duffle bag. He left the room.


Sam and Sylvie were sitting at the table, working with several books in front of them. Dean walked in with Spencer.

"Hey," Dean greeted.

"Hey. How you feeling?" Sam asked.

"What you two reading?"

"Uh, going back through the Book of Jubilees. You know, the way they classify angels is – is – it's really interesting."

"Find anything on Michael?"

Sylvie shook her head. "Not yet, but we... but we... but we just started."

"We'll find a way," Sam reassured.

"Man, I-I-I... I appreciate it, you know, you two... trying," Dean said.

"Well, yeah. Of course. I mean, always. You wanna hop in, help out? I got plenty to go through."

"Actually, I-I – I thought I'd go for a – drive, you know? Just me and Baby, long stretch of road. And figured I'd make it a twofer – I'd go see Mom at, uh, Donna's cabin."

"Yeah. Yeah, th-that's sounds great. Be good to see 'em. Just let us, uh, find a stopping point and get packed up."

"Uh, actually, I was, uh... was kinda hoping for some one-on-one time with Mom, if that's cool."

"Ye – uh... sure, yeah. Whatever you need."

"Okay." Dean walked around behind Sam and Sylvie and hugged them. "Take care, Sammy, Sylv." He ruffled Spencer's hair. "Bye, Spence." He left the room.


"Yeah, he called last night," Mary said.

Mary was sitting at the dining table, cleaning her weapons. Sam was on speaker phone.

"Said it was just a supply run, but I'll take any excuse for a visit. Cabin's been a little quiet lately," Mary told them.


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