16. Safe House

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A woman, Naoki Himura, was on a ladder, scraping the old wallpaper off of a wall in her house. She was talking on the phone with an earpiece as she did so.

"I'm not mad, honey," Naoki said. "I'm just - outnumbered! This place is way more of a fixer-upper than we thought. Like I'm starting to see why it was on the market for so long. No, I know. You're right. That's right. One room at a time. Starting with this awful wallpaper. Thank you. Yeah, love you too. Love you too. 'Kay, bye."

Naoki hung up. She turned back to the wall and scraped off some more wallpaper, revealing some lines of red paint underneath. A child's scream was heard.

Naoki stopped and turned as she called, "Kat?"

Naoki ran up the stairs to her daughter's room. Kat was sitting on her bed, terrified.


"Mommy? Something - something bad is in the house," Kat told her.

"It's just a nightmare, honey."

"But I heard footsteps. Why did we have to move here? And why is it so cold in my room?"

"Yeah it is cold in here, huh? But the furnace is going to be fixed tomorrow, so just gotta be patient, okay? We all do. Can I get you anything?"

"I'm thirsty."

"Okay. One glass of water comin' right up. But then - back to sleep. 'Kay?" Kat nodded. "'Kay."

Naoki left. Kat laid down again and the lights went off all of a sudden. Startled, she sat up. Her door slammed shut by itself. A terrified Kat hid underneath her bed, and footsteps could be heard, getting closer and closer on the other side of the door. The shadow of feet were seen in the light underneath the door.

"Mama?" Kat called.

There was no reply as the door opened with a loud creaking. There was no one there. Behind Kat, a gnarly grey hand reached out, grabbed her, and dragged her as she screamed.


Dean and Sylvie were sitting at the bar of a cafe, the former with a cup of coffee and an untouched burger.

Sam came in and sat down next to him. "All right, nothing on Amara. Nothing on Cas... Keep your heads up. We're gonna win this. Remember?"

"Yeah that was before two weeks of squat," Dean said.

"Yeah well look, nobody said it was gonna be easy. You know the drill, in the meantime, we hunt. Check this out." Sam pulled out his iPad with the case information on it. "Naoki Himura. Said her little girl was attacked by an entity."

"Kid's in a coma."

"Yeah. Only site of trauma is what the mom is describing as a handprint from the alleged attacker. But no one else was in the house at the time, so..."

"So vengeful spirit? Poltergeist?" Sylvie guessed.

"It's worth finding out. It's only a couple hours away."

"You really think now is the time to take our eye off the prize?" Dean asked.

"Dean we can't just sit around and - and wait for a lead. Plus, it would be nice to get a win, this case seems like a lay-up."

Dean scoffed. "Yeah, when's the last time we had a lay-up?"


Dean, Sylvie and Sam, in their FBI garb, questioned Naoki near the bed where Kat laid, unconscious.

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