108. Inherit the Earth

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The streets were empty.


Times Square was bare, not a soul in sight.


A playground carousel spun.


On a sidewalk was a table for Girl Scout cookies.

Sam and Jack looked around. Alana stood next to them.

A car alarm sounded.

The Impala pulled to a stop and Dean exited, holding Maren. Various kids climbed out, all with dejected expressions.

Maren was clinging to her father.

"Everyone's gone," Sam said. "You see anybody on the way here?"

Dean shook his head. "No."

"Alana and I couldn't save anybody," Sam admitted. "We couldn't save anybody. Billie."

"It wasn't Billie. It was Chuck."


"Where's Cas?" Jack asked.

Dean glanced down and Sam called, "Dean?"

The elder Winchester was silent for a moment. "He saved me and Maren. Billie was coming after us, and Cas summoned the Empty. It took her. And it took him. Cas is gone."

"Cas," Maren whimpered softly.

Dean rubbed her back. "I know, Mare."

"I want Mommy."

Dean handed her to Alana.

The group remained silent for a moment. Jack and Alana fought tears.

After a moment, Sam said, "This can't be happening."

"It is, Sam," Dean told him. "I think everyone's gone."

Sam turned away from them and walked a short distance away as he pulled out his cellphone which beeped. The phone rang.

"Hey, it's Jody. I can't get to the phone right now, so leave a message."

Sam hung up.

Dean stepped closer to the Nephilim. "Jack, I'm sorry." He walked away.

Sam's phone beeped again and it rang. Dean, Jack and Alana, still holding Maren, moved closer to Sam. The kids gathered around.

"Hey. You know who it is. You know what to do. Catch you later."

The cellphone beeped once again.

The group walked down the empty street.

They, excluding Jack, walked into a barren restaurant playing country music. A beer tap was running.

"Hey," Dean called, pointing to the TV where a football game had been playing.

"It brings a whole new meaning to the term "sudden death,"" Dean commented, walking closer to Sam.

"Dean, Alana, do you think we're it?" Sam asked. "All that's left?"

Dean pulled up the beer tap and chuckled. "Yeah. You two, me, the kids, Jack."

Aiden frowned. "But I'm confused. Mom's still here but Aunt Sylvie is gone. Why is that?"

Dean shook his head. "I wish I knew, bud."


Jack was leaning against a plant.

He glanced up, tears in his eyes. "Cas?"

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