25. Mamma Mia

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Sam was in bed breathing heavily next to Toni with lit candles in the background. "Wow."

"Isn't this much more pleasant, Sam?" Toni asked.

Sam was still breathing heavily. "I got to say, I did not see that happening."

Toni chuckled. "Well, you know what they say. Opposites attract."

Sam moved over Toni, wondering how he'd tell Sylvie what had happened.

"Oh, we'll get there, Sam. Just another couple of questions," Toni told him.

Sam moved his head while looking down at Toni. "Hmm."

Sam and Toni were in bed relaxing and holding glasses of wine.

"Fascinating. But surely you exaggerate. American hunters can't be as bad as you say," Toni said.

"Yeah. Uh, yeah, they can. What, they're not in the U.K.?" Sam asked.

"No. No, they work for us. Tools. They kill. They don't think."


"Who recruited you, your sister-in-law and your brother? To whom do you report?"

Sam scoffed and sighed before taking the glasses and placing them on the nightstand.

"We, uh... We're not just gonna talk all night, right?" Sam questioned as he pulled the sheet up.


Dean and Alana were sitting, talking on his phone. "I haven't found anything on these surveillance cameras. I mean, it's like they just disappeared. How about you? Any of the local beat cops see anybody that shouldn't be there?" Dean said.

Castiel was outside Aldrich, Missouri standing and leaning against the truck.

"It's pretty rural. Not a lot of beat cops. I've checked all the motels, abandoned buildings. No sign of Sam," Castiel replied.

"All right. I don't know. You know, maybe check... real-estate offices. See if anybody bought a place or rented a place. I mean, these people had a freakin' plane. Seems like they do things legit," Alana said.

"Okay, I understand. I'll call you two in the morning."

While talking, Dean rose and started pacing. Alana placed a hand on her stomach, letting out a sigh.

Sylvie walked in and looked at Dean who shook his head.

"Cas, hey. So, here's the thing. It's been kind of weird here with, you know, Mom being back. It's like we don't know how to act around each other, so we just kind of make this small talk and act normal, but it's – it's so not normal," Dean admitted.

"Um, I'm – I'm not sure. What – what has she said to you? That is to be expected."

"Well, nothing. That – that – that's the whole point."

"Okay, what have you said to her?"

"Well, nothing. I'm – I don't know what to say to her, you know? It – it's – it's like it's all just too much, and... I don't want to overwhelm her."

"Don't make things needlessly complicated, as you humans tend to do. I'll call you." Castiel hung up.

"Yeah. Great. That's helpful. Thanks."

Alana raised a brow. "He hung up on you?"

"Yeah. How you two doing?"

"I'm okay. Ready for baby already."

"Soon I imagine. Sylvie?"

Sylvie let out a sigh. "I just want my husband back."

Maren ran into the room and Dean scooped her up.

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