1.6K 75 26

'Mmmm,' I grumble, waking up to my alarm going off. It's 5:30 in the morning. It's time for my morning run.

I run every morning to make sure my stamina is not warring off. The rounds are not long when you're fighting, but all the equipment makes it 10 times harder to even move.

I put my headphones in and stretch a bit before I start my run. I always run the same route, from my house to the bridge and back. It's about a 30-minute run back and front.

'You are a psycho. There is something seriously wrong with you.' My dad says as I walk back into the house. He was just drinking his coffee, getting ready for work.

'Thanks, dad. I love the constant support you gave me over the years.' He's actually been a huge support, but he does like teasing me when he sees me do things like these.

'I don't get why you just can't be normal and sleep, instead of waking up at 5 in the morning every day.'

'There's no other time to run. I got college, and after that I'm in the gym. I'm not gonna run after the training.' I tell him as I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

'I wish your brother had half the dedication. To anything.' He says as my brother walks in the kitchen, rubbing his face. He pulled an all-nighter playing games. He is 24. He gave up after school and is currently not working. A waste of space at times.

'Not all of us are interested in getting beaten up every day of our lives.' He says to my dad, pouring coffee for himself.

'Maybe I should have beaten you. Maybe then you'd move your ass.' My dad sighs, making me chuckle

The problem with my brother is not that he's incapable. He's actually pretty good at everything he tries. He is just incredibly lazy and gets bored of everything within a week.

'I'm gonna shower and go to uni.' I tell them and walk away, leaving them to fight on their own.


I walk into the building and head down the hallway straight to the classroom.
'Anatomy 101' says on the wall next to the entrance.

'Aish, you look like death.' I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and a cheerful voice teasing me

'Hobi, my friend, I feel like death.' I give him a light hug around the waste as we walk in the class together.

'Is there gonna be a day where you won't bring a huge ass bag with you? Especially this thing.' He bops the helmet I have attached to a strap of my gym back. I am used to carrying it around. I need to bring all the books with me, training clothes and all the equipment. I don't have time to go back home, then go to training class.

'You ask me that every day, yet the answer remains the same.' I laugh

Hobi is a friend I acquired 2 years ago when I enrolled. He has a similar path he wants to follow. He is really into dancing and wants to open up his own studio one day. He's been competing all around the country for years. He's won shit ton of awards. I saw him online, and he is incredible. But to become eligible to run a business in sport, you need a sports college degree. Not all the classes are relevant, but the anatomy sure is.

'I really want to see you train one day. I am genuinely curious as to how it looks. I mean, I've seen you fight online and all, but I think seeing it in person is 100 times better.' He smiles widely

'Tell you what, you take me to one off your classes, and I'll take you to one of mine.' I smile back

'Deal!' He shakes my hand and gets all excited. Seeing him like this makes you want to smile. He is a pure ray of sunshine.

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