'Should have known.' Jimin laughs as Chen pulls up to Jimin's mom's house
They put a huge banner on the front of the house that said 'OLYMPICS GOLD COUPLE; JIMIN AND RIN'
We got inside, getting pulled by the guys, who then screamed, 'They're home.'
It was a stampedo run that we heard before we saw anyone. And in a flash, my father squished us alive, with our moms, crying their eyes out right behind him.
'MY KIDS ARE BACK!' My dad kissed both of us 20 times, hugging is to death
'LET ME GET TO THEM!' His mom pretty much threw herself at me, and my mom stopped Jimin's blood flow.
'I'm so happy to see you, Miss Kim.' I hugged her back tightly, calming her down as she was crying on my shoulder
It was funny how the two of them swapped, my mom coming to me and his mom to him.
'I am so beyond proud of both of you! You were like in a movie. You are both so strong.' His mom was holding his face, looking at him like she hadn't seen him in years
'You managed to watch without closing your eyes?' Jimin teases his mom. She always looks through her fingers, scared he will get hurt
'I wouldn't miss that for the world. You were magnificent.' She smiled, her eyes still full of tears. 'You both were.'
'When is the wedding?!' Jungkook screams at us, having the biggest bunny grin he could muster
'OH MY GOD YES! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND!' My mom grabs her head, petrified about forgetting
'We saw you run in the stand and getting chased!' Chen was dying with laughter, cutting Jimin off before he managed to say a word
'What a power move, though. Imagine winning the Olympics, and then running to your girlfriend to propose to her. Who the hell can say they did it?' Jungkook is all pumped
'I can.' Jimin raises both his arms all proud
'What did you say?' Suri asks me, obviously making everyone laugh like crazy
'I gotta think about it, you know. It's not an easy decision to make.' I snicker
'Come here, you little shit.' Jimin pulls me and squeezes me until I start coughing through the laughter
'Hold on.' I tap him, and he let me go right away seeing my face
I was looking at my dad, who was sitting down, bawling in his hands.
'Dad, are you okay?' I kneeled down next to him'I'm just so happy.' He almost wailed
He scared me there for a second.'Oh, dad.' I sniffle and hug him tightly
Jimin decided to make him even happier, sitting down next to him.
'Come on, dad. I haven't seen you in months, and now you're just crying.' He teased him a bitHe almost tackled Jimin off the couch, hugging him like the big bear he is.
'Dad, I might need my husband alive.' I laugh
'You took too damn long. I was afraid I was going to get old and die before seeing you at the altar.' My dad sniffles
'I'm sorry, that one was on me. I was waiting to make something of myself before asking her.' Jimin smiles at him
'Can you be any more perfect or what? Fuck you. You keep raising the standards. Give us a damn chance.' Chen whines, joking
We were laughing until the door flew open.
'ARE THEY HERE?!?!? WHERE-JIMRIN!' Soo Ho barged in and mixed up our names as soon as he saw us
He sprinted at us like a maniac and slammed into me so hard I almost fell back. 'God, I missed your ugly face.' He grunts, earning s punch in the ribs, making him whine
'That's what you get.' Ae Mi laughs at him, coming in and holding Binna in her arms
'She grew so much.' Jimin smiles, looking at her
Just like in the video call, as soon as she heard him, she went off with her baby noises and mumbles.
'I'm kidnapping your kid.' Jimin announces and giggles as he runs over to Ae Mi
'Go on to your uncle Jimin.' Ae Mi smiled, giving her to Jimin
She got all excited, swaying her little legs and arms as soon as he got a hold on her. She was squealing, like babies do, with a huge smile on her face. Her tiny hand clutching on his shirt almost like a cat.
'Hello. Hi, cutie.' Jimin spoke to her in a cute baby voice, and she screamed and giggled, smacking her hands around
'She doesn't get this happy seeing me. What have you done to my kid?' Soo Ho whines at Jimin
'I have no idea.' Jimin snorts. 'But this one is so cute. Yes, you are. Look at you.' He was cooing to her, taking her little hands cutely
'Of course, he's good with kids.' Chen sighs in frustration, and Suri starts laughing
'Rin, can we have like 10 of these?' He didn't even seem like he was joking
'Unfortunately, I'm not a factory.' I snort. 'And I'm not changing all those diapers.'
'But.. come on. Look how small she is.' He raised her like Simba, showing her to me, smiling brightly
I started laughing at his idiocy, but he kept pushing, bringing her to me. 'Come on, see. Small. Tiny. Cute.' He gave her to me, kissing me on the cheek once I took her
'She is cute, I'll give you that.' I smile, looking at her adorable baby face. Those big eyes, edged by what seems like a million lashes. Her adorable giggle and flushed little cheeks. And those tiny, tiny fingers, pulling on a strand of my hair
'You sure that's not your kid?' Youji giggles
'Sometimes I'm not sure myself.' Ae Mi chuckles. 'She loves her uncle Jimina.' She smiles
'Can we steal her for a day one of these days?' Jimin asks
'I wouldn't mind getting some sleep, to be honest.' Soo Ho laughs
'Really?' Jimin got all excited. 'Can we!? Please, noona?' He got all cute with Ae Mi
She was looking at him for a few moments, then started laughing. 'Sure, why not.'
'Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you...' He went on and on, thanking her, hugging her tightly
'What am I even watching?' Suri laughs
'My plan of kidnapping my niece is finally working. Don't mess it up for me.' Jimin threatens jokingly
'I never got my answer because of that little cute bean.' Jungkook pouts,pointing at Binna in my arms. 'When is the wedding?'
'We have no plans of that as of yet. Not much to plan in two days.' I chuckle
'At least it's happening. These were long 5 years.' Youji teases
'Tell me about it.' My mom teases along
'Wow. We came back from the Olympics after 6 months, bringing back not one but two gold medals, and you bully us because we didn't get married earlier. Unbelievable.' Jimin sighs dramatically. 'Help me out here, little one.' Jimin takes Binna into his arms, baby-talking to her, and she mumbles something back, giggling
'That's what I said.' He pretends to agree with her, making everyone laugh
'Let's leave him to play with the baby, and we go have ourselves a party.' Chen suggests
'I agree with the kid.' My dad points at Chen, and Chen does finger guns back at him
I swear my life is a comedy show at times.

Love At First Kick
Storie d'amoreA TaeKwonDo champion on the verge of making it into the national team suffers an injury that somehow brings him into your club. Will you be able to focus on your training with him around? Will it pull you back? Or push you forward? And will he ever...