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'Relax. You will be fine.' Jimin pats Soo Ho on the back, trying to calm him down

He decided to tell mom and dad about Ae Mi, and he is shitting bricks. They will have a heart attack or try to kill him. Either way, he wanted me and Jimin with him, just to protect him if they decided to take his life. I didn't know I'd turn into a boduguard one day. Not that I can do as much missing one hand, but oh well.

'Come on, Soo Ho. You got this.' I smile at him, and he nods

'Only one way to find out.' He exhales loudly. 'Protect me with your lives.'

'Will do, man.' Jimin smiles, patting him on the back again as we walk with him to the living room where my parents were

'What is up with the three of you?' My dad laughs, watching the three of us sit opposite them, with me and Jimin sitting on each side of him. Soo Ho was moving a bit like a robot, to be honest. Kinda funny.

'Mom, dad, I need to talk to you about something.' Soo Ho says

'Okay, go on.' My mom smiles

'There is no way to get this out slowly, so here it goes.' He blows out, then starts talking again. 'I've been dating someone for the last 3 years, and I want to marry her. I would like to bring her home so you could meet her.'

They just stared at him in surprise, not sure how to react. It's like they died.

'I expected you to want to kill me, not go into a full shock.' Soo Ho mumbles

'Could you repeat all of that? Slowly. I think I missheard something.' My dad asks, leaning forward a little as if to hear better

Soo Ho chuckles a little but repeats. 'You didn't hear wrong. I have a girlfriend and I would like to marry her. Would you please accept to meet her?'

'You. Damn. Idiot.' My mom speaks up, surprising us a little. 'Why didn't you tell us? Three damn years?!' She flung a cushion from the couch at him

'I'm sorry, mom. I was waiting to build myself up a bit. I wanted to be a man for her before doing anything. I am sorry.' He apologizes

'Lord, please give me patience because if you give me strength, I will kill him.' My dad chants to himself, making Jimin snicker. He hid his face behind Soo Ho, trying to stay quiet

'Before we continue, anyone else has anything to add? Just so we get the shock out of the way.' My mom asks, looking at me and Jimin

'I mean, I do want to marry Rin one day, but it's not happening yet, so I won't ask for your permission just yet.' Jimin says, half joking. I know he's just pulling the attention away from Soo Ho, and we've got a ton of time ahead of us, but the fact he wants to do it is sending my heart in a frenzy.

It seems to have relaxed my parents a little as they both chuckled a bit. 'Well, you have my permission. So, there is no need to ask for that.' My dad smiles at him

'Same here. I am looking forward to that, to be honest with you.' My mom giggles a bit

'Oh, th-thank you.' Jimin bows to them. I guess he didn't expect that, although I don't see how. He knows my parents adore him

'So, what do you say? Do you want to meet her?' Soo Ho asks again, looking afraid that they might say no

'Absolutely, you idiot. You should have brought her long ago.' My dad scolds him

'I can't believe you haven't told us.' My mom scolds him as well

'Oh, thank God.' Soo Ho exhales in relief, putting his hand over his heart

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