'Sorry about that.' He looked a bit guilty because he gave me a carpet burn. He was rough, and we were on the floor. So, as you can imagine, I've got a few bruises and scratches.
'No, no. Please, give me more.' I smile brightly at him. 'But, what the hell was that? That came out of nowhere.' I am just genuinely curious
'Your little joke might have turned me on a lot more than I thought it would. I couldn't help myself.'
'Ohhh.... good to know.' I giggle. 'I might use it again sometimes.'
'Please, do.' He kissed me deeply, placing me on his lap. We were still on the floor, just completely naked.
'Damn. I took too long. We're going to be so late.' He chuckled'I'm sure they won't mind.' I smile. 'But let's get ready now. We can continue this later.'
Whenever we come back from our centre training, we spend the first 2-3 days in bed. Or on the couch. Or the floor. Or anywhere where he takes me. As I said many times, it's hard sleeping in a separate room from him, let alone not being able to touch him.
We went over to my parents, as his mom said she will come there as well. No point going to two houses I guess.
The house was decorated with so many balloons and celebratory decorations, that it looked more like a wedding than anything else. There was also a massive banner saying "Welcome home Rin and Jimin".They were running around like headless flies. They didn't even notice me and Jimin standing on the side, watching them.
'Where does this go?' Jimin took a cake, asking my dad where to go with it
'Just put it on the table. I'll grab the plates.' He was so busy running that he didn't even notice he was talking to Jimin. Gold. I'm telling you.
'Which table?' Jimin trolls him a bit, grinning from ear to ear
'What do you mean which-' He was about to get pissed off, but then he finally looked at him and noticed it was Jimin he was talking up
'JIMIN, SON!' Jimin luckily put the cake down on time, otherwise, it would have turned into a pancake between them
'Mr.Min!' He yells back, hugging him tightly, laughing at him
My dad yelled loudly enough for the entire neighbourhood to hear him, so, of course, everyone else heard him as well. They came running from the living room, swarming us, hugging us to death.
'MY SISTER AND MY BROTHER ARE WORLD FUCKING CHAMPIONS!!!' Soo Ho got a bit too excited, lifting me and spinning me around. What a kid. He did the same to Jimin. That was even worse to watch.
'I watched all of it online. You looked like a superhero!' Miss Kim was squishing Jimin to half death, crying with happiness
'I'm so happy you're back home safe and healthy.' My mom decided to take my life it seems. Death grip on that woman.
'Tell us everything!' Ae Mi was here too, and she was quite excited about all of this
'Let's sit down first, then fire away with the questions.' Jimin chuckles
They sure grilled us. They wanted to know everything about training and the tournament. But mostly about what Russia is like. Is it cold? What's the food like? People. Everything.
'I do wanna apologise. It may be the wrong time to bring it up now, but I shouldn't have sent that message to you. It must have stressed both of you out.' His mom apologizes to me
'Oh, miss Kim, don't worry about it in the slightest. Truly.' I smile
'She's right, mom. That made zero difference whatsoever.' Jimin smiles as well
'When did you find out? She asks him
'As soon as she saw it. It's not like she can hide anything from me.' Jimin snorts a little, making them all snicker a bit
'Honestly, he was okay. He wasn't affected in the slightest. I mean, you saw his last fight.' I smile at her
'I guess you don't really care, God knows I don't either, but the funeral is in 2 days. I just thought I'd tell you in case you wanted to go.' She explains
'I think I'm good. I've seen enough of him. This is one thing he can't force on me, and I sure as hell won't force it on myself.' Jimin states
'I figured.' She smiles a little. 'You're so strong, my love. I'm so happy you grew up to be so strong and incredible. Even with that person around.'
'It was all you, mom. The little time that I did see you, you raised me better than he could ever try. Plus, I feel like I got two new parents to raise me as well.' He smiles at my parents, who were beaming with happiness
'And this one here drilled the 'No fear' policy into me. So I'm more than okay.' He smiled, hugging me around the shoulders'You're welcome.' I smile at him
'So, what's next? How long are you staying this time?' My dad asks, changing the subject
'Well, we will be home for a while. The next one is Asia open, and it's not until June, so we've got about 4 months until then.' I explain
'You two are like all those celebrities. You're constantly travelling left and right.' Ae Mi smiles
'It would be great if we got to see any of it. We've been all over the world, but saw nothing but the arena we were in. Kind of sad.' Jimin sighs
'Hey, what do you think we go for a holiday in the summer? After Asia Open we've got nothing for months ahead.' I ask him
'Reading my mind, you witch?' He smiles
'Where do you wanna go?' I ask
'I was stuck between Greece and Spain. Both were cool as hell.' He says
'Why not do both? We're gonna have enough time.' I smile at him
'Both it is.' His smile will actually blind me one of these days
'Flex on us poor peasants.' My brother teases
'We literally fought to earn that money.' I chuckle
'Is it okay to ask how much you actually earn for these things? I'm just purely curious. And you don't have to tell me anything if it's too personal.' Ae Mi asked reluctantly
'Oh, not at all.' Jimin smiles, then starts explaining. 'Every tournament is different, but the bigger the tournament, the bigger the prize. So for instance, for the last World's we got 70 thousand dollars each, as it's the biggest tournament there is. Second place gets about 30 and third gets 10. Then Asia Open, we got about 40 for that if I'm not wrong...' He stopped talking once he noticed most of them with their mouth wide open. We never really talked to them about this
'Jesus. Fucking. Christ.' Soo Ho mumbles. 'You actually made a fortune, didn't you? That's insane!'
'We sure did.' Jimin smiles
'I'm not paying for the wedding.' My dad chucked in a joke, making us all laugh
'As if I'd ever let you do that anyway.' Jimin laughs
'Psst.' He motions for Jimin to lean in closer, whispering something in his ear. He was actually quiet so I couldn't hear anything. Damn it.
Jimin giggled a little, nodding his head. Whatever that was, my dad looked happy as a pig in shit.
'What did he tell you?' I nudge Jimin
'It would defeat the purpose of him being quiet if I was just going to tell you. You're nosy.' He pinched my nose, smiling at me. What a little shit.
'Tsk.' I clicked my tongue at him in annoyance. I know he's right. I like to know everything. It eats me alive not knowing.
'We better get on that food and those drinks. We have a lot to celebrate.' My mom claps excitedly
'I'm driving, so I won't drink. But I'm more than happy to eat.' Jimin pats his tummy
'I'll drink for you.' I pat him on the back
Let the party start.

Love At First Kick
RomanceA TaeKwonDo champion on the verge of making it into the national team suffers an injury that somehow brings him into your club. Will you be able to focus on your training with him around? Will it pull you back? Or push you forward? And will he ever...